Iowa's native and naturalized monocots.

The following plants have been reported from Iowa, but neither Eilers & Roosa nor the Flora of North America include them in the state.

For a more detailed documentation of Iowa's grasses, please visit the Grasses of Iowa Project ⟨Iowa State University⟩.

To view detailed information regarding North America's grasses, please visit the Grasses in North America ⟨Intermountain Herbarium: Utah State University⟩.

The following information is sorted in ascending order alphabetically by "Family".

The following Cyperaceae are native or naturalized in Iowa.

Author Subspecific Category Common
Carex mesochorea Mack. . . FNA [23:295]: Does not include this plant in Iowa.
Carex prasina Wahlenb. . Drooping sedge FNA [23:464]: Does not include this plant in Iowa.
Carex pseudocyperus L. . . FNA [23:510]: Does not include this plant in Iowa.
Carex siccata Dewey . . From FNA [23:307]: "The name Carex foenea has, unfortunately, commonly been misapplied to the species in some recent literature." This species is not a synonym of C. foenea, as reported in Eilers & Roosa and it is not listed in Iowa according to FNA.
Cyperus lupulinus (Spreng.) Marcks ssp. lupulinus . FNA [23:177] lists ssp. lupulinus and ssp. macilentus (Fern.)Marcks, but lists only the latter in Iowa.
Cyperus lupulinus (Spreng.)Marcks ssp. macilentus (Fern.)Marcks . FNA [23:177] lists ssp. lupulinus and ssp. macilentus (Fern.)Marcks, but lists only the latter in Iowa.
Eleocharis intermedia Schult. . . FNA [23:36]: "We have not seen specimens to confirm literature reports of E. intermedia from Iowa."

The following Liliaceae are native or naturalized in Iowa.

Author Subspecific Category Common
Nothoscordum bivalve (L.) Britton . . FNA [26:277]: Does not include this plant in Iowa.
Scilla siberica Haworth . Siberian squill FNA [26:320]: "Escaping from gardens; ... introduced; ... Naturalization of Scilla siberica is expected elsewhere. Escaping from gardens ... Naturalization of Scilla siberica is expected elsewhere."

The following Najadaceae are native or naturalized in Iowa.

Author Subspecific Category Common
Najas minor All. . Bushy-pondweed FNA [22:82]: Does not include this plant in Iowa. Native of Eurasia.

The following Orchidaceae are native or naturalized in Iowa.

Author Subspecific Category Common
Epipactis helleborine (L.) Crantz . Broad-leaved helleborine FNA [26:586]: Does not include this plant in Iowa. Native of Eurasia. "Epipactis helleborine is known to have been thoroughly naturalized in North America since 1879 (C. A. Luer 1975). "

The following Poaceae are native or naturalized in Iowa.

Author Subspecific Category Common
Cinna latifolia (Trevir.) O. Griseb. . Drooping woodreed FNA [24:774] does not list this plant in Iowa.
Elymus dahuricus Turcz. ex Griseb. . . FNA [24:310]: "Elymus dahuricus is widespread in temperate central and eastern Asia. � It has been introduced for reclamation in some parts of western North America.
Elymus submuticus (Hooker) Smyth & Smyth . . FNA [24:286]: Lists this plant under X Elyhordeum montanense. It is mapped from Iowa online at E&R does not list this taxon, but does include X Elyhordeum montanense.
Hordeum marinum Hudson subsp. gussoneanum (Parl.) Thell. Mediterranean barley FNA [24:248]: "Established weed, especially in N. America." Not listed in Iowa.
Muhlenbergia richardsonis (Trin.) Rydberg . Mat Muhly FNA [25:173]: Does not include this plant in Iowa.
Vulpia myuros (L.) C. C. Gmelin . Foxtail Fescue FNA [24:449]: Does not include this plant in Iowa.

In this category a total of 17 monocots were recorded from the state of Iowa.

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