Iowa's native and naturalized dicots.

The following information is sorted in ascending order alphabetically by "Family".

The following Salicaceae are native or naturalized in Iowa.


[Eilers & Roosa]
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Subspecific Category
[Eilers & Roosa]


Habitat Abundance & Distribution Geographic Areas of
Iowa Occupied
. . . . Salicaceae Salix X fragilis L. . . . . No No FNA [7:42-43]: See the discussion of this hybrid [S. alba X S. euxina] under Salix alba.
. . . Grey willow Salicaceae Salix cinerea L. . . . . No No FNA [7:132]: Introduced native of Eurasia. Not listed in E&R from Iowa.
. . . Hungry willow Salicaceae Salix famelica (C.R. Ball)Argus . . . . Yes Yes FNA [7:121]. Not listed in E&R from Iowa.
. . . Osier willow Salicaceae Salix viminalis L. . . . . No No FNA [7:149]: Introduced native of Europe. Not listed in E&R from Iowa.
Populus X rouleauiana Boivin . . Salicaceae Populus X rouleauiana Boivin . Moist, upland woods. Infrequent to rare in E 1/2. NE, NC, EC, C, SE, SC . . = Populus alba X P. grandidentata. Hybrid of mixed origin. From FNA [7:21]: "Populus alba hybridizes commonly with � P. grandidentata, forming P. � rouleauiana B. Boivin � , in southeastern Canada and the northeastern United States; the hybrids are progressively uncommon southward."
Populus alba L. . Silver poplar Salicaceae Populus alba L. . Roadside. Fencerows. Fields. Infrequent escapee from cultivation throughout. All No No FNA [7:20]: See discussion of this taxon under Populus grandientata.
Populus balsamifera L. . Balsam poplar Salicaceae Populus balsamifera L. . Moist woods. Woodland edges. Rare escapee from cultivation in N. NE, NC, NW No No FNA 7:14
Populus deltoides Bartram ex Marsh. ssp. monilifera (Aiton) Eckenw. . Salicaceae Populus deltoides Bartram ex Marsh. ssp. monilifera (Aiton) Eckenw. Moist habitats, usually alluvium. Infrequent in W. NW, WC, SW Yes Yes See P. deltoides ssp. deltoides. FNA 7:17 reports ssp. deltoides and monilifera in IA.
Populus deltoides Bartram ex Marsh ssp. deltoides Cottonwood Salicaceae Populus deltoides Bartram ex Marsh ssp. deltoides Moist habitats, usually on alluvium. Occasionally on upland slopes. Common throughout. All Yes Yes see P. deltoides ssp monilifera. FNA 7:17 reports ssp. deltoides and monilifera in IA.
Populus grandidentata Michx. . Big-tooth aspen Salicaceae Populus grandidentata Michx. . Moist-to-dry, usually upland woods. Frequent to common in NC, NE, & EC. Rare in SE. NE, NC, EC, SE Yes Yes FNA 7:20
Populus nigra L. var. italica Moench Lombardy poplar Salicaceae Populus nigra L. var. italica Moench Waste ground near habitations. Occasionally persists from cultivation. All No No FNA [7:17]: "Most individuals of Eurasian P. nigra cultivated in North America are Lombardy poplars (cv. Italica)"
Populus tremuloides Michx. . Quaking aspen Salicaceae Populus tremuloides Michx. . Open woods. Moist prairies. Woodland edges. Frequent to common in N 1/2. Infrequent to frequent in S 1/2. All Yes Yes FNA [7:22]
Salix X subsericea (Andersson) Schneider . . Salicaceae Salix X subsericea (Andersson) Schneider . Gravelly soil. Rare in NW [Emmet County]. NW Yes Yes = Salix petiolaris X S. sericea. FNA [7:153] mentions this hybrid, but does not include it in IA.
Salix alba L. . White willow Salicaceae Salix alba L. . Moist ground. Roadsides. Infrequent to rare escapee from cultivation throughout. All No No FNA [7:42]: Not in IA.
Salix amygdaloides Andersson . Peach-leaved willow Salicaceae Salix amygdaloides Andersson . Along streams. Frequent in NE 1/4. Common elsewhere. All Yes Yes FNA [7:37]
Salix babylonica L. . Weeping willow Salicaceae Salix babylonica L. . Moist or sandy habitats near dwellings. Rarely persists from cultivation. All No No FNA [7: 40]: See discussion in FNA. Not in IA.
Salix bebbiana Sarg. . Beaked willow Salicaceae Salix bebbiana Sarg. . Moist ground. North-facing talus slopes. Fens. Infrequent in NE 1/4. Rare in NC & extreme E. NE, NC, EC, C, SE Yes Yes FNA [7:134]
Salix candida Fluegge ex Willd. . Sage willow, hoary willow Salicaceae Salix candida Fluegge ex Willd. . Calcareous aquatic habitats. Fens. Rare in NE 1/3. NE, NC, EC Yes Yes FNA [7:141]
Salix discolor Muhl. . Pussy willow Salicaceae Salix discolor Muhl. . Streambanks. Low prairies. Marsh edges. Common in NC & NE. Infrequent to rare elsewhere. All Yes Yes FNA [7:126]
Salix exigua Nutt. ssp. interior (Rowlee) Cronq. Sandbar willow Salicaceae Salix interior Rowlee . Streambanks. Sandbars. Alluvial bottoms. Common throughout. All Yes Yes FNA [7:56]
Salix fragilis L. . Crack willow Salicaceae Salix euxina Belyaeva . Lakeshores & other moist habitats. Infrequent to frequent escapee from cultivation throughout. All No No FNA [7:43]: Not in IA. Reported from Ontario & Quebec only.
Salix humilis Marsh. . Prairie willow Salicaceae Salix humilis Marsh. . Prairie remnants. Frequent to common throughout. All Yes Yes E&R includes 3 varieties: var. humulis, var. hyporhysa Fern. & var. microphylla (Andersson) Fern. FNA [7:129]: reports var. humilis and var. tristis with only the former being in IA.
Salix lucida Muhl. . Shining willow Salicaceae Salix lucida Muhl. . Low, moist ground. Lakeshores. Streambanks. Fens. Rare in N. NE, NC, NW Yes Yes FNA [7:46]
Salix nigra Marsh. . Black willow Salicaceae Salix nigra Marsh. . Streambanks. Lake margins. Alluvial woods. Infrequent in NW & extreme E. Common elsewhere. All Yes Yes FNA [7:86]
Salix pedicellaris Pursh . Bog willow Salicaceae Salix pedicellaris Pursh . Fens. Peat lands. Rare in NC & NE. NE, NC Yes Yes FNA [7:83]
Salix pentandra L. . Bay-leaved willow Salicaceae Salix pentandra L. . Waste ground. Disturbed, moist ground near dwellings. Rarely persists from cultivation. All No No FNA [7:44]
Salix petiolaris Smith . . Salicaceae Salix petiolaris Smith . Moist prairie remnants. Marsh edges. Fens. Common in NC & NE. Rare in EC & SE. NE, NC, EC, SE Yes Yes FNA [7:152]
Salix purpurea L. . Purple willow Salicaceae Salix purpurea L. . Disturbed soil near dwellings. Rare escapee from cultivation. All No No FNA [7:162]
Salix rigida Muhl. . . Salicaceae Salix eriocephala Michx. . Streambanks. Wet lowlands. Ditches. Frequent to common throughout. All Yes Yes E&R includes 4 varieties: var. rigida, var. angustata (Pursh) Fern., var. watsonii (Bebb) Cronq., & var. vestita Andersson. FNA [7:120] considers all, but S. rigida var. watsonii to be synonyms of S. eriochephala. FNA considers S. rigida var. watsonii to be a synonym of S. lutea Nutt. & to be absent from IA.
Salix sericea Marsh. . Silky willow Salicaceae Salix sericea Marsh. . Streambanks. Marsh edges. Fens. Rare in E. NE, EC, SE Yes Yes FNA [7:157]

The following Santalaceae are native or naturalized in Iowa.


[Eilers & Roosa]
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Subspecific Category
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Habitat Abundance & Distribution Geographic Areas of
Iowa Occupied
Comandra umbellata (L.) Nutt. . Bastard toadflax . . . . Prairie remnants. Openings in upland woods. Common throughout. All Yes Yes .

The following Sarraceniaceae are native or naturalized in Iowa.


[Eilers & Roosa]
[Eilers & Roosa]
Subspecific Category
[Eilers & Roosa]


Habitat Abundance & Distribution Geographic Areas of
Iowa Occupied
. . . Purple pitcher plant Sarraceniaceae Sarracenia purpurea L. ssp. purpurea . . . Yes Yes This taxon not included in E&R.

The following Saxifragaceae are native or naturalized in Iowa.


[Eilers & Roosa]
[Eilers & Roosa]
Subspecific Category
[Eilers & Roosa]


Habitat Abundance & Distribution Geographic Areas of
Iowa Occupied
Chrysosplenium iowense Rydb. . Golden saxifrage Saxifragaceae Chrysosplenium iowense Rydb. . Algific talus slopes. Rare in NE [Allamakee, Clayton, Dubuque, Fayette, Howard, & Winneshiek Counties] & in EC [Jackson County]. NE, EC Yes Yes .
Heuchera americana L. var. hirsuticaulis (Wheelock) Rosend., Butters, & Lak. Alumroot Saxifragaceae Heuchera americana L. var. hirsuticaulis (Wheelock) Rosend., Butters, & Lak. Prairie remnants. Rare in SE. SE Yes Yes This taxon is not present in Iowa according to FNA, vol. #8.
Heuchera richardsonii R. Br. . Alumroot Saxifragaceae Heuchera richardsonii R. Br. . Prairies. Open, rocky woods. Limestone bluffs. Common in NE 1/4 & in SW. Infrequent to frequent elsewhere. All Yes Yes E&R includes 2 varieties: var. richardsonii & var. hispidior Rosend., Butters, & Lak. FNA, vol. #8 includes no varieties.
Mitella diphylla L. . Bishop's cap, mitrewort Saxifragaceae Mitella diphylla L. . Wooded, rocky slopes, & bluffs. Frequent to common in NE 1/4. Infrequent in NC. Rare in SE & in SC. NE, NC, EC, C, SE, SC Yes Yes .
Mitella nuda L. . Small bishop's cap Saxifragaceae Mitella nuda L. . Mossy, north-facing, wooded slopes. Rare in NE [Allamakee County]. NE Yes Yes .
Parnassia glauca Raf. . Grass of Parnassus . . . . Fens. Wet, calcareous prairies. Rare in NE 1/2. NE, NC, NW, EC, C, SE Yes Yes FNA [vol. 8] mentions placing this genus in Parnassiaceae. That family will be revised in vol. #12.
Penthorum sedoides L. . Ditch stonecrop Penthoraceae Penthorum sedoides L. . Marshes. Shores. Moist prairies. Alluvium. Infrequent in NW. Common elsewhere. All Yes Yes .
Philadelphus pubescens Loisel . Mock orange . . . . Upland oak-hickory forest. Rare in NE [Dubuque County]. NE Yes No FNA [vol. 8] mentions placing this genus in Hydrangeaceae. That family will be revised in vol. #12.
Ribes americanum P. Miller . Wild black currant Grossulariaceae Ribes americanum P. Miller . Moist, open woods. Margins of lakes & marshes. Fens. Frequent in NE 1/4. Infrequent in extreme E & in NW. Rare elsewhere. All Yes Yes .
Ribes cynosbati L. . Prickly gooseberry Grossulariaceae Ribes cynosbati L. . Wooded rocky bluffs. Limestone ledges. Moist woods. Infrequent to rare in NW & in S 1/2. Frequent to common elsewhere. All Yes Yes .
Ribes hirtellum Michx. . . Grossulariaceae Ribes hirtellum Michx. . Moist woods. Fens. Rare in SE [Van Buren County]. SE Yes Yes .
Ribes hudsonianum Richardson . Northern currant Grossulariaceae Ribes hudsonianum Richardson . Algific talus slopes. Rare in NE [Allamakee, Clayton, Delaware, & Dubuque]. NE Yes Yes .
Ribes missouriense Nutt. ex T&G . Wild gooseberry Grossulariaceae Ribes missouriense Nutt. ex T&G . Open woods. Woodland edges. Common throughout the state. All Yes Yes .
Ribes odoratum Wendl. . Buffalo currant Grossulariaceae Ribes aureum Pursh var. villosum DC Thickets. Woodland margins. Rare in W & in SC. NW, WC, SC, SW Yes Yes .
Ribes sativum (Reichenb.) Syme . Garden currant Grossulariaceae Ribes rubrum L. . Waste or disturbed ground. Rare escapee from cultivation. All No No .
Saxifraga forbesii Vasey . Forbes' saxifrage Saxifragaceae Micranthes pensylvanica (L.) Haworth . Moist, limestone ledges. Algific talus slopes. Frequent in Paleozoic Plateau. NE, EC Yes Yes FNA [8: 67] combines Saxifraga forbesii & S. pensylvanica in Micranthes pensylvanica.
Saxifraga pensylvanica L. . Swamp saxifrage Saxifragaceae Micranthes pensylvanica (L.) Haworth . Low prairies. Fens. Frequent in NE 1/4. Rare in SE [Muscatine County] & SC [Monroe County]. NE, NC, EC, C, SE, SC Yes Yes FNA [8: 67] combines Saxifraga forbesii & S. pensylvanica in Micranthes pensylvanica.
Sullivantia sullivantii (T&G) Britton . . Saxifragaceae Sullivantia sullivantii (T&G) Britton . Moist, shaded, limestone cliffs. Algific talus slopes. Rare in NE [Allamakee, Clayton, Delaware, Dubuque, & Fayette Counties] & in EC [Jackson, Jones, & Linn Counties]. NE, EC Yes Yes .

The following Scrophulariaceae are native or naturalized in Iowa.


[Eilers & Roosa]
[Eilers & Roosa]
Subspecific Category
[Eilers & Roosa]


Habitat Abundance & Distribution Geographic Areas of
Iowa Occupied
Agalinis aspera (Douglas ex Bentham) Britton . . . . . . Dry prairie remnants. Loess bluffs. Hill prairies. Frequent in Iowan Surface & in SW. Infrequent in NE. Rare in NW. NE, NC, NW, EC, C, SW Yes Yes .
Agalinis gattingeri (Small) Small . . . . . . Dry, sandy prairie openings on bluffs. Rare in C [Webster (1908) County], EC [Jones County], SE [Henry (no date), Jefferson (1935), Lee, & Muscatine Counties], & SC [Decatur (1903) County]. EC, C, SE, SC Yes Yes .
Agalinis paupercula (Gray) Britton . . . . . . Moist, open, sandy places. Fens. Infrequent to rare in NC & in E. Rare in SW [Pottawattamie County (1898)]. NE, NC, EC, SE, SW Yes Yes .
Agalinis purpurea (L.) Pennell . . . . . . Moist, open sand. Absent in SE & in SC. Infrequent to rare elsewhere. NE, NC, NW, EC, EC, WC, SW Yes Yes .
Agalinis skinneriana (Wood) Britton . . . . . . Dry, sandy prairies. Rare in NE [Allamakee & Dubuque Counties] & in SE [Muscatine County (1922)]. NE, SE Yes Yes .
Agalinis tenuifolia (Vahl) Raf. . . . . . . Moist prairies. Marshy ground. Fens. Dry, open woods. Infrequent in NE & in SE. Rare in NW. Common elsewhere. All Yes Yes E&R includes 3 varieties: var. tenuifolia, var. macrophylla (Bentham) Blake, & var. parviflora (Nutt.) Pennell].
Aureolaria grandiflora (Bentham) Pennell var. pulchra Pennell Yellow false foxglove . . . . Rocky or sandy soil. Openings on dry limestone bluffs. Frequent in extreme E. Rare in SE & in SC. NE, EC, SE, SC Yes Yes .
Aureolaria pedicularia (L.) Raf. . Clammy false foxglove . . . . Dry, sandy woodlands. Rare in NE [Allamakee County]. NE Yes Yes .
Bacopa rotundifolia (Michx.) Wettst. . Water hyssop . . . . Shallow, standing water. Muddy shores. Infrequent in SE & in SC. Rare in NW & in NE. NE, NW, SE, SC Yes Yes .
Besseya bullii (Eaton) Rydb. . Kittentails . . . . Dry, sometimes rocky, prairie ridges. Rare in N & in E. NE, NC, NW, EC, SE Yes Yes .
Castilleja coccinea (L.) Sprengel . Indian paintbrush . . . . Rocky & mesic prairies. Infrequent to rare in NC & in NW [Sioux County]. NC, NW Yes Yes .
Castilleja sessiliflora Pursh . Downy painted cup . . . . Prairie openings on bluffs. Dry prairie ridges. Tops of loess bluffs. Infrequent in N 1/2 & in SW. NE, NC, NW, EC, C, WC, SW Yes Yes .
Chaenorrhinum minus (L.) Lange . Dwarf snapdragon . . . . Dry sand or gravel. Often along railroads. Frequent to infrequent in S 1/2. Rare in N 1/2. All No No .
Chelone glabra L. . White turtlehead . . . . Marshes. Fens. Shores. Rare throughout most of the state. Not reported from extreme W. All Yes Yes .
Chelone obliqua L. var. speciosa Pennell & Wherry Pink turtlehead . . . . Marshy ground. Rare in NC [Mitchell County], EC (Clinton (1930) & Scott Counties], & SE [Des Moines, Lee (1898), & Muscatine (1894) Counties]. NC, EC, SE Yes Yes .
Collinsia verna Nutt. . Blue-eyed Mary . . . . Moist woods. Rare in SE [Jefferson (1896) & Washington Counties]. SE Yes Yes .
Dasistoma macrophylla (Nutt.) Raf. . . . . . . Dry, wooded, calcareous bluffs. Infrequent SE & SC. SE, SC Yes Yes .
Gratiola neglecta Torrey . Hedge hyssop . . . . Marshes. Low, sandy areas. Streambanks. Moist prairies remnants. Frequent in SC. Infrequent to rare elsewhere. All Yes Yes .
Gratiola virginiana L. . . . . . . Muddy shores. Shallow, standing water in sandy areas. Rare in SE [Lee & Muscatine Counties] & in SC [Decatur County (1900)]. SE, SC No No .
Leucospora multifida (Michx.) Nutt. . . . . . . Moist sandy soil. Rare in E [Fayette (1894), Lee (no date, but probably 1890s), Louisa, Muscatine, & Scott Counties]. NE, EC, SE Yes Yes .
Linaria canadensis (L.) Dum.-Cours. . Toadflax . . . . Dry, open, sandy soil. Infrequent in E. NE, EC, SE Yes Yes .
Linaria macedonica Griseb. . . . . . . Disturbed areas. Rare escapee from cultivation in SC [Madison County (1942)]. SC No No .
Linaria vulgaris Hill . Butter & eggs . . . . Roadsides. Fields. Woodland edges. Disturbed soil. Frequent in SE & in SW. Infrequent elsewhere. All No No .
Lindernia anagallidea (Michx.) Pennell . False pimpernel . . . . Marshes. Sandy alluvium. Rare in W 2/3. NC, NW, C, WC, SC, SW Yes Yes .
Lindernia dubia (L.) Pennell . . . . . . Clear, shallow pools. Wet soil. Streambanks. Common in S 1/2 & in extreme E. Frequent in Paleozoic Plateau. Rare elsewhere. All Yes Yes .
Mimulus alatus Aiton . Winged monkey flower . . . . Wet alluvium. Rare in SE & in SC. SE, SC Yes Yes .
Mimulus glabratus HBK. var. fremontii (Bentham) Grant Yellow monkey flower . . . . Shallow water of cold spings. Slowly flowing streams. Fens. Rare in N, E, & SW. NE, NC, NW, EC, SE, SW Yes Yes .
Mimulus ringens L. . Monkey flower . . . . Muddy lakeshores. Moist, alluvial woods. infrequent in NW. Common elsewhere. All Yes Yes E&R includes 2 varieties: var. ringens & var. minthodes (Greene) Grant.
Pedicularis canadensis L. . Lousewort . . . . Prairie remnants. Woodland openings. Infrequent to rare in W. Frequent to common elsewhere. All Yes Yes E&R includes 2 varieties: var. canadensis & var. dobbsii Fern.
Pedicularis lanceolata Michx. . Swamp lousewort . . . . Marshes. Fens. Prairie swales. Wet sand. Frequent to common in NE 1/4. Rare in NW & in S 1/2. All Yes Yes .
Penstemon albidus Nutt. . Beardtongue . . . . Loess bluffs. Dry prairies. Rare in NW [Lyon, Plymouth, & Sioux Counties]. NW Yes Yes .
Penstemon cobaea Nutt. . Beardtongue . . . . Loess bluffs. Rare in SW [Fremont County]. SW Yes Yes .
Penstemon digitalis Nutt. . Foxglove penstemon . . . . Roadsides. Sandy prairies. Sandy openings. Frequent in SE. Rare in NE, EC, SC, & SW. NE, EC, SE, SC, SW Yes Yes .
Penstemon gracilis Nutt. . Beardtongue . . . . Dry prairie slopes. Rare in WC [Harrison County] & in NW [Lyon County]. NW, WC Yes Yes .
Penstemon grandiflorus Nutt. . Large-flowered beardtongue . . . . Sandy soil. Loess bluffs. Dry slopes. Frequent to common in Loess Hills & in sandy areas of C and E. NE, NW, EC, C, WC, SE, SW Yes Yes .
Penstemon pallidus Small . Pale beardtongue . . . . Open, sandy fields. Open, dry woods. Frequent in SE. Rare in extreme E & in SC. NE, EC, SE, SC Yes Yes .
Penstemon tubiflorus Nutt. . Beardtongue . . . . Prairies. Dry woods. Rare in C [Story County], EC [Iowa & Linn Counties], SE [Jefferson County (1932)], & SC [Clarke County]. C, SE, SC Yes Yes .
Scrophularia lanceolata Pursh . . . . . . Loess bluffs. Dry prairie remnants. Openings in upland woods. Frequent to common in N & in extreme E. Infrequent to rare elsewhere. All Yes Yes .
Scrophularia marilandica L. . . . . . . Open woods. Sandy roadsides. Infrequent in NW. Frequent to common elsewhere. All Yes Yes .
Tomanthera auriculata (Michx.) Raf. . . . . . . Moist prairie remnants. Rare in E & in SC. NE, EC, SE, SC Yes Yes .
Verbascum blattaria L. . Moth mullein . . . . Roadsides. Disturbed prairies. Waste places. Frequent in NC. Infrequent in SE & in SC. Rare in NW. NC, NW, SE, SC No No .
Verbascum lychnitis L. . White mullein . . . . Prairie openings. Rare in SC [Madison County (1917)]. SC No No .
Verbascum phlomoides L. . . . . . . Roadsides. Pastures. Disturbed prairies. Rare in E, C [Polk County], & WC [Sac County]. NE, EC, C, WC, SE No No .
Verbascum thapsus L. . Common mullein . . . . Pastures. Roadsides. Waste places. Common throughout the state. All No No .
Veronica agrestis L. . Field speedwell . . . . Lawns. Rare in NW & in SW [Page County]. NW, SW No No .
Veronica americana (Raf.) Schwein. ex Bentham . American brookline . . . . Margins & shallow water of swiftly flowing streams. Rare in NE [Allamakee & Winneshiek Counties] & in SE [Lee (no date, but circa 1887) & Muscatine (pre-1900) Counties]. NE, SE Yes Yes .
Veronica anagallis-aquatica L. . Water speedwell . . . . Sandy riverbanks. Streambanks. Springs. Rare in N & in EC. NE, NC, NW, EC No No .
Veronica arvensis L. . Corn speedwell . . . . Fields. Roadsides. Sandy soil. Rocky slopes. Pastures. Frequent to common in SE. Frequent in SW. Infrequent to rare elsewhere. All No No .
Veronica catenata Pennell . Water speedwell . . . . Shores. Shallow water. Frequent in Des Moines lobe. Rar or absent elsewhere. All Yes Yes .
Veronica officinalis L. . Common speedwell . . . . Streambanks. Rare in EC [Clinton County]. EC No No .
Veronica peregrina L. . . . . . . Roadsides. Lawns. Yards. Sandy alluvium. Rare in NW. Frequent to common elsewhere. All Yes Yes E&R includes 2 varieties: var. peregrina & var. xalapensis (HBK.) St. John & Warren.
Veronica persica Poiret . . . . . . Lawns. Disturbed habitats. Rare in NW [Sioux County] & in E [Chickasaw (1926), Johnson (1926), and Van Buren Counties]. NE, NW, EC, SE No No .
Veronica scutellata L. . Marsh speedwell . . . . Marsh edges. Rare in EC [Clinton County]. EC Yes Yes .
Veronica serpyllifolia L. . . . . . . Open areas. Ravines. Open woodlands. Infrequent in E. NE, EC, SE No No .
Veronicastrum virginicum (L.) Farw. . Culver's root . . . . Moist prairies. Moist, open, upland woods. Woodland borders. Infrequent in NW. Common elsewhere. All Yes Yes .

The following Simaroubaceae are native or naturalized in Iowa.


[Eilers & Roosa]
[Eilers & Roosa]
Subspecific Category
[Eilers & Roosa]


Habitat Abundance & Distribution Geographic Areas of
Iowa Occupied
Ailanthus altissima (P. Miller) Swingle . Tree of heaven . . . . Disturbed soil in urban areas. Frequent in S 1/2. [Spreading from cultivation]. EC, C, WC, SE, SC, SW No No .

The following Solanaceae are native or naturalized in Iowa.


[Eilers & Roosa]
[Eilers & Roosa]
Subspecific Category
[Eilers & Roosa]


Habitat Abundance & Distribution Geographic Areas of
Iowa Occupied
Datura stramonium L. . Jimsonweed . . . . Farmyards. Often sandy, disturbed areas. Frequent in S 1/2. Infrequent to rare in N 1/2. All No No E&R includes 2 varieties: var. stramonium & var. tatula (L.) Torrey
Lycium halimifolium P. Miller . Matrimony vine . . . . Waste ground. Disturbed soil. Infrequent to rare escapee in S 1/2 of the state. EC, C, WC, SE, SC, SW No No .
Lycopersicon esculentum P. Miller . Tomato . . . . Sandy, cultivated ground. Not persisting from cultivation. All No No .
Nicandra physalodes (L.) Gaertner . Apple of Peru . . . . Woodland edges. Rare in C [Story County], in NE [Allamakee County], & in SE [Keokuk & Muscatine Counties]. NE, C, SE No No .
Petunia axillaris (Lam.) BSP . Petunia . . . . Disturbed soil near dwellings. Rare escapee from cultivation. All No No .
Physalis heterophylla Nees . Ground cherry . . . . Disturbed prairies. Roadsides. Sandy, open habitats. Frequent to common throughout the state. All Yes Yes .
Physalis ixocarpa Brotero ex Hornem. . Tomatillo . . . . Disturbed, sandy soil Rare escapee from cultivation. All No No .
Physalis pubescens L. var. integrifolia (Dunal) Waterfall Strawberry tomato . . . . Edges of fields. Rare escapee from cultivation. All No No E&R include 2 varieties: var. pubescens & var.integrifolia (Dunal) Waterfall.
Physalis pubescens L. var. pubescens Annual ground cherry . . . . Waste ground. Disturbed soil. Rare throughout the state. All Yes Yes E&R include 2 varieties: var. pubescens & var.integrifolia (Dunal) Waterfall.
Physalis virginiana P. Miller . Ground cherry . . . . Prairie remnants. Disturbed, sandy soil. . All Yes Yes E&R includes 3 varieties: var. virginiana, var. subglabrata (Mack. & Bush) Waterfall, & var. sonorae (Torrey) Waterfall.
Solanum americanum P. Miller . Black nightshade . . . . Roadsides. Fields. Waste places. Common throughout. All Yes Yes .
Solanum carolinense L. . Horse nettle . . . . Fields. Roadsides. Along railroads. Waste ground. Infrequent to rare in NE. Common elsewhere. All Yes Yes .
Solanum dulcamara L. . European bittersweet . . . . Roadsides. Alluvium. Waste ground. Infrequent in SC. Rare in NC, in extreme E, & in SE. Spreading throughout. All No No .
Solanum interius Rydb. . Plains black nightshade . . . . Floodplain woods. Rare in WC [Harrison County]. WC Yes Yes .
Solanum rostratum Dunal . Buffalo bur . . . . Farmyards. Roadsides. Disturbed soil. Frequent to common in W 1/2 & in SE. Infrequent to rare in NE. NE, NC, NW, C, WC, SE, SC, SW Yes No .

The following Staphyleaceae are native or naturalized in Iowa.


[Eilers & Roosa]
[Eilers & Roosa]
Subspecific Category
[Eilers & Roosa]


Habitat Abundance & Distribution Geographic Areas of
Iowa Occupied
Staphylea trifolia L. . Bladdernut . . . . Moist, rocky, wooded slopes. Rare in NW & in NC. Frequent to common elsewhere. All Yes Yes .

In this category a total of 122 dicots were recorded from the state of Iowa.

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