Plant Specimens Housed in the Wartburg College Herbarium.

These Rosaceae specimens from Indiana are present in the herbarium at Wartburg College [WET].

Scientific Name Subspecific Category County Locality Tshp•Range•Sec.
Collector Collection
. . Porter Main's farm . wild crab Main, Steve . 3-Apr-60 1960 [state & county confirmed via pers. com. w/collector.]
Crataegus sp. . Porter Valparaiso University campus . well-drained, light soil. Hawthorn Main, Steve . 28-Mar-60 1960 .
Prunus virginiana L. . Porter Main's farm . well-drained woodland. choke cherry. Main, Steve . 1-May-60 1960 See Padus virginiana (L.) M. Roem. []. [state & county confirmed via pers. com. w/collector.]
Pyrus pulcherrima Asch. & Graebn. . Porter Valparaiso University campus, south side of Lembke Hall . well-drained open areas, rich soil. flowering crab. Main, Steve . 4-May-60 1960 .
Pyrus pulcherrima Asch. & Graebn. . Porter Valparaiso University campus . rich soil. flowering crab. Main, Steve . 16-May-60 1960 .
Rosa sp. . Porter Main's farm . almost any soil. Main, Steve . 3-Apr-60 1960 [state & county confirmed via pers. com. w/collector.]
Rubus sp. . Porter Main's farm . cultivated, rich, humus. red raspberry. Main, Steve . 3-Apr-60 1960 [state & county confirmed via pers. com. w/collector.]
Rubus sp. . Porter Main's farm . light soil, humus. wild blackberry. Main, Steve . 3-Apr-60 1960 [state & county confirmed via pers. com. w/collector.]

These Rosaceae specimens from Iowa are present in the herbarium at Wartburg College [WET].

Scientific Name Subspecific Category
County Locality Tshp•Range•Sec
Collector Collection
. . Bremer . . collect date: May, 1963. wild crab apple Shinkay, Jerome A. . . 1963 .
Agrimonia gryposepala Wallr. . Bremer . T92N_R14W_Sec.4 At edge of a rich wooded area on floodplain of Cedar River. Scattered to frequent in collection area. Freeman, Craig 77362 22-Jul-76 1976 .
Agrimonia gryposepala Wallr. . Bremer Sweet's Marsh, area 2. . wooded area. collect date: July, 1976. Hairy agrimony Raders, Simmons . . 1976 .
Agrimonia gryposepala Wallr. . Dickinson Iowa Lakeside Lab . agrimony Woltz, J.A. . 1-Jun-64 1964 .
Amelanchier arborea (F. Michx.) Fernald . Jackson . 35deg1min53.4sec_N 83deg3min48.2sec_W downy service berry . . 13-May-02 2002 .
Crataegus crus-galli L. . Bremer Waverly . collect date: November, 1975. cockspur thorn Gesell, M. . . 1975 .
Crataegus mollis Scheele . Bremer Waverly . red haw Wunder, J. . 11-Jun-76 1976 see Oxyacantha mollis (Scheele) Lunell []
Crataegus sp. . Bremer Waverly, IA . hawthorne Ausenhus, Paul H. . 4-Jul-68 1968 .
Crataegus sp. . Bremer Waverly . collect date: October, 1961 Grimm, Kathy 16 . 1961 .
Crataegus sp. . Butler . . hawthorn Neal, R. . 11-Oct-58 1958 .
Crataegus sp. . Dickinson Iowa Lakeside Laboratory . collect date: June, 1964. apple Woltz, J.A. . . 1964 .
Fragaria sp. . Bremer . . collect date: October, 1962. wild strawberry Schmitt, D. . . 1962 .
Fragaria sp. . Bremer Base of bluff, Cedar Lane, Waverly . strawberry Bio 203 class . 1-Jun-83 1983 .
Fragaria virginiana Duchesne . Bremer Along Illinois Central railroad right-of-way near city golf course. T91N_R14W_Sec.3 Plants scattered in collection area. Freeman, Craig 77359 25-May-76 1976 .
Fragaria virginiana Duchesne . Bremer One mile east & 1/2 mile south of Horton, IA. . Roadside & waste pasture land. Black soil. Bowdish, Eugene, R. Muske, R. Wagner 23 17-May-48 1948 spelling on label: Fragaria virginiana L.
Fragaria virginiana Duchesne . Butler Clay Prairie . collect date: October, 1968. wild strawberry Albers, Al . . 1968 .
Fragaria virginiana Duchesne . Franklin . . wild strawberry Riis, Beverly . 4-May-63 1963 .
Fragaria virginiana Duchesne . Johnson Lake MacBride State Park, Big Grove Twsp. . Rich, open, lake shore bank. Goos & Cooperrider 62 25-May-54 1954 Spelling on label: Fragaria virginiana L.
Geum aleppicum Jacq. . Butler Epley prairie. North of Shell Rock. . fl. yellow. meadow avens. Main, S. . 18-Jun-76 1976 .
Geum aleppicum Jacq. . dickinson . . woods. collect date: July, 1955. avens. Hubbard, Fred H. . . 1955 .
Geum canadense Jacq. . Bremer Cedar Bend County Park . avens Main, S. . 28-Jun-79 1979 .
Geum canadense Jacq. . Bremer Roadside near Three Rivers Pond, Waverly . white avens Bio 203 class . 21-Jun-82 1982 .
Geum canadense Jacq. . Bremer Roadside, Waverly . white avens Bio 203 class . 21-Jun-82 1982 .
Geum canadense Jacq. . Bremer Sweet's Marsh, area 2. . collect date: July, 1976. white avens Raders, Simmons . . 1976 .
Geum canadense Jacq. . Bremer Three Rivers Pond, Waverly . avens Main, S. . 22-Jun-78 1978 .
Geum canadense Jacq. . Butler Epley Prairie. N. of Shell Rock. . avens Bio 203 class . 1-Jul-78 1978 .
Geum laciniatum Murray . Bremer Cedar Bend County Park . avens Main, S. . 28-Jun-79 1979 .
Geum laciniatum Murray . Bremer Roadside near Three Rivers Pond, Waverly . fl. white-cream. Avens. Main, S. . 30-Jun-76 1976 .
Geum triflorum Pursh . Bremer About 1 mile East of Horton, IA . In moist black loam, open field. Stanek, Leslie A. 24 17-May-48 1948 see Erythrocoma triflora (Pursh) Greene []
Geum triflorum Pursh . Bremer About 1 mile east of Horton, IA . Black loam soil in open field. Opperman, Eugene H. 24 17-May-48 1948 see Erythrocoma triflora (Pursh) Greene []
Geum triflorum Pursh . Bremer Lageschulte Prairie, NE of Waverly . prairie smoke, prairie avens Main, S. . 29-May-79 1979 see Erythrocoma triflora (Pursh) Greene []
Geum triflorum Pursh . Bremer Lageschulte Prairie . prairie smoke Bio 203 class . 7-Jun-82 1982 see Erythrocoma triflora (Pursh) Greene []
Geum triflorum Pursh . Bremer Lageschulte Prairie T92N_R13W_Sec.31 NW1/4_Sec.31 Bio 203 class . 30-May-83 1983 see Erythrocoma triflora (Pursh) Greene []
Geum triflorum Pursh . Bremer One mile east and 0.5 mile south of Horton, IA . Roadside & Waste pasture land. black soil. Bowdish, E., R. Muske, & R. Wagner 24 17-May-48 1948 see Erythrocoma triflora (Pursh) Greene []
Geum triflorum Pursh var. triflorum Bremer Henry Moller far, N. of Waverly. T92N_R14W_Sec.3 On prairie remnant. Plants common in a swale and fairly comon throughout the county in similar habitats. Freeman, Craig 77299 18-Apr-77 1977 see Erythrocoma triflora (Pursh) Greene []
Malus ioensis (Wood) Britt. . Story . T84N_R24W_Sec.33 Several small trees present. About 6 cm dbh, about 2.5 m high. Growing near a fence, soil somewhat sandy. SW1/4_Sec.33. Bliese, John C.W. . 20-May-50 1950 .
Malus pumila Mill. . Bremer . . apple Ausenhus, Paul H. . 13-Jun-68 1968 .
Malus pumila Mill. . Bremer . . apple Blobaum, Emil . 26-Sep-58 1958 .
Malus pumila Mill. . Bremer . . apple Clasen, Barb . 16-Oct-58 1958 .
Physocarpus opulifolius (L.) Maxim . Bremer Cedar lane, Waverly, IA . bluff base. nine bark Bio 203 class . 7-Jun-82 1982 See Opulaster opulifolius (L.) Kuntze []
Physocarpus opulifolius (L.) Maxim . Bremer River Road, Waverly, IA . . Main, S. . 7-Jun-76 1976 See Opulaster opulifolius (L.) Kuntze []
Physocarpus opulifolius (L.) Maxim . Bremer Waverly, IA . ninebark Ausenhus, Paul H. . 5-Jul-68 1968 See Opulaster opulifolius (L.) Kuntze []
Potentilla arguta Pursh . Dickinson Cayler Prairie, Lakeville Twn. . . Hubbard, Fred H. . 10-Jul-55 1955 .
Potentilla arguta Pursh . Dickinson Cayler Prairie . collect date: July, 1955. tall cinquefoil, five-finger. Hubbard . . 1955 see Drymocallis arguta (Pursh) Rydb. []
Potentilla arguta Pursh var. arguta Bremer Along the Illinois Central railroad right-of-way. T91N_R14W_Sec.10 Rocky prairie remnant. Scattered to common in collection area. Freeman, Craig 77361 3-Jul-76 1976 see Drymocallis arguta (Pursh) Rydb. [] 2 sheets
Potentilla arguta Pursh var. arguta Bremer At the extreme E. end of Cedar Bend Conservation Park. T92N_R14W_Sec.21 In an open grassy meadow. Common throughout the county in disturbed areas. Freeman, Craig 78154 13-Jul-78 1978 See Drymocallis arguta (Pursh) Rydb. []
Potentilla canadensis L. . Bremer . . collect date: June, 1966. rough cinquefoil Schmidt, Peter . . 1966 see Callionia canadensis (L.) Greene []
Potentilla canadensis L. . Johnson Iowa City, IA . . Macbride, T. H. . . . see Callionia canadensis (L.) Greene []
Potentilla fruticosa L. . Bremer Waverly . yellow flower. cinquefoil Wunder, J. . 9-Jun-76 1976 .
Potentilla monspeliensis L. . Bremer . . cinquefoil Thompson, D. . . 1962 see Potentilla norvegica L. []
Potentilla norvegica L. . . . . corn, weed McB . . . presumably collected by T. McBride.
Potentilla norvegica L. . Bremer . . rough cinquefoil Schmitt, D. 46 25-Sep-62 1962 .
Potentilla norvegica L. . Bremer Field by Rose's Woods, SE of Waverly, IA. . rough cinquefoil Main, S. . 5-Jun-76 1976 .
Potentilla norvegica L. . Bremer RR near campus . cinquefoil Bio 203 class . 23-Jun-83 1983 .
Potentilla norvegica L. . Bremer Vacant lot W. of Carnation, Waverly . cinquefoil Main, S. . 22-Jun-78 1978 .
Potentilla norvegica L. . Dickinson Iowa Lakeside Laboratories . five-finger Woltz, J.A. . 26-Jul-64 1964 .
Potentilla norvegica L. . Dickinson Theatre, Lakeside Lab Campus . five-finger Kinze, Delores . 9-Jul-55 1955 name on label: Potentilla norvegica Engelm.
Potentilla recta L. . Bremer Cedar Bend, Bremer Co. Park . cinquefoil Bio 203 class . 30-Jun-82 1982 .
Potentilla recta L. . Bremer Lageschulte Prairie . cinquefoil Bio 203 class . 7-Jun-82 1982 .
Potentilla recta L. . Bremer S. side of Girl Scout Camp. T91N_R13W_Sec.19 In a roadside ditch. Plants scattered to common in collection area. Growing in rich loamy soil. Freeman, C.C. 77358 6-Jun-76 1976 .
Potentilla recta L. . Bremer Three Rivers Pond, Waverly . rough-fruited cinquefoil Main, S. . 19-Jun-79 1979 .
Potentilla recta L. . Dickinson Iowa Lakeside Lab . . Woltz, J.A. . 28-Jun-64 1964 .
Potentilla simplex Michx. . Bremer Along the Illinois Central railroad right-of-way. T92N_R14W_Sec.28 Prairie remnant. Plants scattered to common in collection area. Freeman, Craig 77360 11-Jun-76 1976 see Callionia simplex (Michx.) Greene []
Potentilla simplex Michx. . Bremer Sweets Marsh, S. end T92N_R12W_Sec.2 common cinquefoil Bio 203 class . 4-Jun-83 1983 see Callionia simplex (Michx.) Greene []
Potentilla simplex Michx. . Bremer Sweets Marsh, area 2. . moist grassland. collect date: June, 1976. Raders, Simmons . . 1976 see Callionia simplex (Michx.) Greene []. orig. i.d.: Potentilla anserina. annot.: Freeman, C.C. (1980)
Potentilla simplex Michx. . Bremer Sweets Marsh, area 4. . wooded area. collect date: June, 1976. Raders, Simmons . . 1976 see Callionia simplex (Michx.) Greene []
Potentilla simplex Michx. . Bremer Sweets Marsh . common cinquefoil Bio 203 class . 23-Jun-82 1982 see Callionia simplex (Michx.) Greene []
Potentilla simplex Michx. . Butler Epley Prairie, N. of Shell Rock . cinquefoil Main, S. . 14-Jun-79 1979 .
Potentilla simplex Michx. . Johnson Lake MacBride State Park, Big Grove Twsp. . Roadside bank Goos & Cooperrider 60 25-May-54 1954 See Callionia simplex (Michx.) Greene []
Prunus americana Marsh. . Bremer . . american plum Blobaum, Emil . 4-Oct-58 1958 .
Prunus americana Marsh. . Bremer . . collect date: June, 1977. wild plum Flessner . . 1977 .
Prunus americana Marsh. . Bremer . . collect date: September, 1970. wild plum G.D.S. . . 1970 .
Prunus americana Marsh. . Bremer . . collect date: September, 1976. valuable wildlife tree, found along fence rows. wild plum (American) Van Baale, Darcy . . 1976 .
Prunus americana Marsh. . Dickinson Iowa Lakeside Laboratory . wild plum Woltz, J.A. . 20-Jun-64 1964 .
Prunus persica Batsch. . Bremer Waverly, IA . peach Ausenhus, Paul H. . 24-Jun-68 1968 .
Prunus serotina Ehrh. . Bremer . . black cherry Suchsland, Jean . 30-Sep-69 1969 .
Prunus serotina Ehrh. . Bremer . . black cherry Thompson, Dale . . 1962 .
Prunus serotina Ehrh. . Bremer . . collect date: September, 1962. black cherry Schmitt, D. 97 . 1962 .
Prunus serotina Ehrh. . Bremer Babcock Woods . . Haberkorn, M. & S. Main . 21-Sep-00 2000 .
Prunus serotina Ehrh. . Bremer East section of Ingawanis scout camp. . wild or black cherry Main, S. . 24-May-79 1979 .
Prunus serotina Ehrh. . Bremer Sweets Marsh, So. end. T92N_R12W_Sec.2 wild black cherry Bio 203 class . 4-Jun-83 1983 .
Prunus serotina Ehrh. . Bremer Waverly, IA . collect date: October, 1959. black cherry Bathgate, Donald . . 1959 .
Prunus serotina Ehrh. . Bremer Waverly . wild cherry Wunder, J. . 11-Jun-76 1976 .
Prunus serotina Ehrh. . Dickinson . . collect date: July, 1955. black cherry. Hubbard . . 1955 .
Prunus serotina Ehrh. . Dickinson Iowa Lakeside Laboratory . wild black cherry Woltz, J.A. . 9-Jun-64 1964 .
Prunus serotina Ehrh. . Story . T83N_R24W_Sec.4 Growing along a fence. Very bush-like with 4 or 5 main stems, the largest about 1.5 cm dbh and about 2 m high. Surrounded by grasses. North Central_Sec.4. Bliese, John C.W. . 22-May-50 1950 .
Prunus sp. . Bremer Sweets Marsh . wild cherry BI295 . 30-Apr-02 2002 .
Prunus sp. . Butler Epley Prairie, N. of Shell Rock . wild cherry Bio 203 class . 1-Jul-78 1978 .
Prunus virginiana L. . Bremer . . Valuable wildlife tree. small cherry-like fruit. collect date: September, 1972. choke cherry Zoellner, Craig . . 1972 see Padus virginiana (L.) M. Roem. []
Prunus virginiana L. . Bremer . . choke cherry Hubbard, Quandt, Goldammer . 8-Jul-55 1955 see Padus virginiana (L.) M. Roem. []
Prunus virginiana L. . Bremer . . collect date: June, 1977. choke cherry Flessner . . 1977 see Padus virginiana (L.) M. Roem. []
Prunus virginiana L. . Bremer . . used as anchor in erosion control. choke cherry Brown, Mary . . 1969 see Padus virginiana (L.) M. Roem. []
Prunus virginiana L. . Bremer Cedar Lane, Waverly . riverbank. chokecherry Bio 203 class . 1-Jun-83 1983 see Padus virginiana (L.) M. Roem. []
Prunus virginiana L. . Bremer Scout Camp, SE of Waverly . edge of woods. chokecherry Bio 203 class . 9-Jun-82 1982 see Padus virginiana (L.) M. Roem. []
Prunus virginiana L. . Butler Epley prairie, north of Shell Rock . choke cherry Main, S. . 18-Jun-76 1976 see Padus virginiana (L.) M. Roem. []
Prunus virginiana L. . Dickinson Iowa Lakeside Lab . choke cherry Woltz, J.A. . 15-Jun-64 1964 see Padus virginiana (L.) M. Roem. []
Prunus virginiana L. . Dickinson Iowa Lakeside Lab . choke cherry Woltz, J.A. . 31-Jul-64 1964 see Padus virginiana (L.) M. Roem. []
Prunus virginiana L. . Dickinson Milford Woods, 2.5 mi. w. of Milford, IA . choke-cherry Hubbard, Fred H. . 15-Jul-55 1955 see Padus virginiana (L.) M. Roem. []
Prunus virginiana L. . Dickinson Milford Woods, Milford, IA . choke-cherry Hubbard . 15-Jul-55 1955 see Padus virginiana (L.) M. Roem. []
Pyrus aucuparia Gaertn. . Bremer . . collect date: October, 1959. European mountain ash Bathgate, Don . . 1959 .
Pyrus aucuparia Gaertn. . Bremer . . collect date: September, 1970. mountain ash G.D.S. . . 1970 .
Pyrus communis L. . Bremer . . bartlett pear Clasen, Barb . 16-Oct-58 1958 .
Pyrus malus L. . Bremer . . collect date: October, 1959. apple tree Bathgate, Don . . 1959 see Malus pumila Mill. []
Pyrus malus L. . Bremer C. Campus, Wartburg College . apple Schmitt, D. 11 14-Sep-62 1962 see Malus pumila Mill. []
Pyrus malus L. . Bremer Waverly, IA . collect date: June, 1955. apple Hubbard . . 1955 see Malus pumila Mill. []
Pyrus sp. . Bremer college campus . (cv.) flowering crab Main, S. . 4-Jun-79 1979 .
Rosa arkansana Porter . Bremer . . collect date: July, 1978. wild rose Gies, N. . . 1978 .
Rosa arkansana Porter . Bremer . . collect date: September, 1962 Schmitt, D. 85 . 1962 .
Rosa arkansana Porter . Bremer . . collect date: September, 1976. prairie rose Van Baale, Darcy . . 1976 .
Rosa arkansana Porter . Bremer . . prairie rose Mitchell, Connie 41 15-Jun-77 1977 .
Rosa arkansana Porter . Bremer . . wild rose Thompson, D. . . 1962 .
Rosa arkansana Porter . Bremer Near railroad N. of Wartburg College campus, Waverly, IA . arkansas rose Nelson, P. 26 21-Sep-66 1966 .
Rosa arkansana Porter . Bremer Waverly . wild rose Wunder, J. . 9-Jun-76 1976 .
Rosa arkansana Porter var. suffulta (Greene) Cockerell Bremer RR tracks no. of College Campus . prairie rose FHH . 12-Sep-55 1955 .
Rosa arkansana Porter var. suffulta (Greene) Cockerell Bremer Railroad right-of-way NW of Waverly, IA . rose Main, S. . 9-Jun-76 1976 .
Rosa arkansana Porter var. suffulta (Greene) Cockerell Bremer Waverly, IA . prairie rose Ausenhus, Paul H. . 11-Jun-68 1968 .
Rosa blanda Aiton . Bremer . . Provide beauty, game cover, & game food. Indians ate the fruits raw. Duncan, John . 22-Jun-67 1967 .
Rosa blanda Aiton . Bremer . . collect date: June, 1966. wild rose. Schmidt, Peter . . 1966 .
Rosa blanda Aiton . Bremer E. section of Scout Camp T91N_R13W_Sec.20 forest edge. N1/2_Sec.20. wild rose. Bio 203 class . 13-Jun-83 1983 .
Rosa blanda Aiton . Bremer Sweet's Marsh. . areas throughout the marsh. collect date: June, 1976. smooth rose. Raders, Simmons . . 1976 .
Rosa canina L. . Butler Clay Prairie . collect date: October, 1968. wild rose Albers, Al . . 1968 .
Rosa carolina L. . Bremer Scout Camp, SE of Waverly . edge of woods. rose Bio 203 class . 9-Jun-82 1982 .
Rosa carolina L. . Bremer Sweet's Marsh, area 2. . dry grassland. collect date: July, 1976. pasture rose. Raders, Simmons . . 1976 .
Rosa fendleri Crep. . Bremer RR tracks north edge of Waverly, IA . wild rose Ausenhus, Paul 21 17-Sep-66 1966 see Rosa woodsii var. fendleri (Crep.) Rydb. []
Rosa multiflora Thunb. . Bremer N. side of Hwy. 93 at N. end of Sweet's Marsh. T93N_R12W_Sec.26 Along a fence. Only one large bush seen. Freeman, Craig 78120 11-Jun-78 1978 .
Rosa multiflora Thunb. . Bremer S. end Sweet Marsh. T92N_R12W_Sec.2 SE1/4_Sec.2. multiflora rose Bio 203 class . 22-Jun-83 1983 .
Rosa palustris Marsh. . Bremer West of Wartburg College campus on railroad tracks & ditches. Waverly, IA . . Caruthers, D.F. . 21-Sep-66 1966 .
Rosa pranticola Greene . Johnson Turkey Creek, Newport Tnshp. . prairie opening on ridge. Shimek, B. . 12-Jul-02 1902 .
Rosa sp. . Dickinson Iowa Lakeside Lab . wild rose Woltz, J.A. . 6-Jul-64 1964 .
Rosa suffulta Greene . Bremer RR NW of Waverly . wild rose Bio 203 class . 12-Jun-79 1979 .
Rosa suffulta Greene . Bremer RR in W Waverly . wild rose Bio 203 class . 20-Jun-78 1978 .
Rosa suffulta Greene . Butler Epley Prairie, N. of Shell Rock . wild rose Main, S. . 14-Jun-79 1979 .
Rosa woodsii Lindl. . Bremer East-west railroad tracks in N. Waverly, IA . woods' rose Raim, Arlo . 18-Sep-64 1964 .
Rubus idaeus L. . Dickinson Lakeside Lab. . bramble Woltz, J.A. . 19-Jul-64 1964 .
Rubus sp. . Dickinson Iowa Lakeside Lab . raspberry Woltz, J.A. . 10-Jul-64 1964 .
Rubus sp. . Dickinson Iowa Lakeside . bramble Woltz, J.A. . 3-Jul-64 1964 .
Sorbus americana Marsh. . Bremer . . Ornamental. Inner bark fragrant. Wood of little value. collect date: September, 1976. mountain ash. Van Baale, Darcy . . 1976 see Aucuparia americana (Marshall) Nieuwl. []
Sorbus americana Marsh. . Bremer . . collect date: October, 1962. mountain ash. Schmitt, D. . . 1962 see Aucuparia americana (Marshall) Nieuwl. []
Sorbus americana Marsh. . Bremer Waverly, IA . american mountain ash Ausenhus, Paul H. . 20-Jun-68 1968 see Aucuparia americana (Marshall) Nieuwl. []
Sorbus americana Marsh. . Bremer Waverly . american mountain ash Ausenhus, Paul H. . 8-Jun-76 1976 see Aucuparia americana (Marshall) Nieuwl. []
Sorbus americana Marsh. . Bremer Waverly . collect date: September, 1975. mountain ash. Luber, Mike . . 1975 see Aucuparia americana (Marshall) Nieuwl. []
Sorbus aucuparia L. . Bremer Wartburg College, Waverly, IA . mountain ash Onsgard, Owen . 16-Sep-75 1975 .
Sorbus aucuparia L. . Bremer Waverly, IA . american mountain-ash Ausenhus, Paul H. . 27-Jun-68 1968 .
Sorbus aucuparia L. . Bremer Waverly, IA . mountain ash (European) Souchuk, Peter W. . 24-Sep-74 1974 .
Sorbus aucuparia L. . Bremer campus . collect date: September, 1955. Mountain ash Hubbard . . 1955 .
Sorbus aucuparia L. . Dickinson Iowa Lakeside Lab . . Woltz, J.A. . 29-Jun-64 1964 .
Sorbus scopulina Greene . Bremer 8th St. N.W., Waverly, IA . large-fruited mountain ash Schmitt, D. 15 19-Sep-62 1962 i.d. in need of verification. Iowa is out of range for this taxon.
Spiraea alba Du Roi . Bremer Appx. 2.2 mi. SE of Plainfield. T93N_R14W_Sec.34 SW1/4_SW1/4_Sec.34. Collected in a prairie swale. Plants shrubby and to 1m tall. Locally common in wet loamy soil. Freeman, Craig C. 1095 11-Jul-81 1981 .
Spiraea alba Du Roi . Bremer Sweet's Marsh, area 2. . grassland. collect date: September, 1976. round-headed bush clover Raders, Simmons . . 1976 orig. i.d.: Lespedeza capitita [sic]. annot.: Freeman, C.C. (1980)
Spiraea alba Du Roi . Butler Epley Prairie, N. of Shell Rock . meadow-sweet Bio 203 class . 1-Jul-78 1978 .
Spiraea alba Du Roi . Dickinson Iowa Lakeside Laboratory . spirea Woltz, J.A. . 1-Jul-64 1964 .
Spiraea alba Du Roi . Hancock Pilot Knob State Park . Edge of Dead Man's bog. spirea Hubbard . 4-Aug-55 1955 .
Spiraea alba Du Roi . Hancock Pilot Knob State Park . meadow-sweet Hubbard, Fred . 11-Aug-55 1955 .
Spiraea vanhouttei (Briot) Zab. . Bremer campus . shiraea, bridal wreath Bio 203 class . 1-Jun-83 1983 see Spiraea � vanhouttei (Briot) Carriere []
Spiraea vanhouttei (Briot) Zab. . Bremer college campus . spirea, bridal wreath Main, S. . 4-Jun-79 1979 see Spiraea � vanhouttei (Briot) Carriere []

These Rosaceae specimens from Kansas are present in the herbarium at Wartburg College [WET].

Scientific Name Subspecific Category
County Locality Tshp•Range•Sec
Collector Collection
Rosa arkansana Porter . Riley Dewey Ranch, Konza Prairie, Campbell Pasture T11S_R8E_Sec.7 Frequent in open tall grass prairie on rocky slopes. Freeman, C.C. 77241 21-Jul-77 1977 .

These Rosaceae specimens from Minnesota are present in the herbarium at Wartburg College [WET].

Scientific Name Subspecific Category
County Locality Tshp•Range•Sec
Collector Collection
Potentilla fruticosa L. var. tenuifolia Lehm. Lake Gooseberry Falls St. Pk., MN . W. shore L. Superior, growning on basalt rock. shrubby cinquefoil, golden-hardhack Hubbard . 26-Aug-55 1955 see Dasiphora tenuifolia (Willd. ex Schltdl.) Y.C. Zhu []

These Rosaceae specimens from Missouri are present in the herbarium at Wartburg College [WET].

Scientific Name Subspecific Category
County Locality Tshp•Range•Sec
Collector Collection
Potentilla simplex Michx. . Crawford Reis Research Station . stream bank. cinquefoil . . 7-May-02 2002 see Callionia simplex (Michx.) Greene []
Potentilla sp. . Crawford Reis Research Station . artificial ephemeral pond. cinquefoil BI295 . 7-May-02 2002 .

These Rosaceae specimens from Texas are present in the herbarium at Wartburg College [WET].

Scientific Name Subspecific Category
County Locality Tshp•Range•Sec
Collector Collection
Cercocarpus eximius (C.K. Schneid.) Rydb. . Brewster Big Bend National Park, Lost Mine Trail, 6400 ft. . mountain mahogany, shaggy Kaiser, Ron 11 2-May-69 1969 .
Fallugia paradoxa (D. Don) Endl. ex Torr. . Brewster Big Bend National Park, Green Gulch, 5000 ft. . apache plume Albers, Albert & D. Schumacher 71 17-May-69 1969 2 sheets in collection
Prunus virginiana L. var. demissa (Nutt.) Roy L. Taylor & MacBryde Brewster Big Bend National Park, Pine Canyon, 5200 ft. . western choke cherry Kaiser, Ron 96 16-May-69 1969 see Padus virginiana (L.) M. Roem. []

These Rosaceae specimens from Virginia are present in the herbarium at Wartburg College [WET].

Scientific Name Subspecific Category
County Locality Tshp•Range•Sec
Collector Collection
Spiraea tomentosa L. . Sussex WYP48, Stony Creek . . BI295 . 15-May-02 2002 .

These Rosaceae specimens from Wisconsin are present in the herbarium at Wartburg College [WET].

Scientific Name Subspecific Category
County Locality Tshp•Range•Sec
Collector Collection
Spiraea alba Du Roi . Rusk So. of Ladysmith . Low roadside. meadow sweet. Hubbard . 24-Aug-55 1955 2 sheets on file

These Rosaceae specimens from an unknown location are present in the herbarium at Wartburg College [WET].

Scientific Name Subspecific Category
County Locality Tshp•Range•Sec
Collector Collection
Crataegus tomentosa L. . . . . thorn apple . . . . .
Fragaria sp. . . . . strawberry . . . . .
Potentilla fruticosa L. . . . . cinquefoil . . . . .
Prunus virginiana L. . . . . cherry . . . . see Padus virginiana (L.) M. Roem. []
Prunus virginiana L. . . . . domestic cherry . . . . see Padus virginiana (L.) M. Roem. []
Prunus virginiana L. . . Stillwater . Roadside. Level land. choke cherry Danielson, Alverna . 17-May-30 1930 see Padus virginiana (L.) M. Roem. []. Too little info on label to determine state and county.
Rosa blanda Aiton . . . . wild rose . . . . .

A total of 179 Asteraceae specimens from the Wartburg College herbarium are presented above.

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            -- Galileo Galilei