Plant Specimens Housed in the Cornell College Herbarium.

These Dicot specimens from Alaska are present in the herbarium at Cornell College [MOVC].

Family Scientific Name Subspecific Category County Locality Tshp•Range•Sec.
Collector Collection
Saxifragaceae Saxifraga bongardii Presl . Prince of Wales-Outer Ketchikan Hyder, AK . Damp rocky bluffs. Second name on sheet: Saxifraga notkana Moc . Whited, Kirk 1178 18-May-1924 1924 Second name on sheet: Saxifraga notkana Moc .

These Dicot specimens from Florida are present in the herbarium at Cornell College [MOVC].

Family Scientific Name Subspecific Category
County Locality Tshp•Range•Sec
Collector Collection
Solanaceae Solanum gracile Dunal . Duval Pablo Beach, FL . Sand dunes Nightshade Mills, H.R. . 10-Oct-1910 1910 See Solanum nigrescens Martens & Galeotti []; current name of location is Jacksonville Beach, FL
Spigeliaceae Gelsemium sempervirens (L.) J. St.-Hil. . Duval Jacksonville, FL . Pine lowlands. A drug of the U.S.P. Yellow Jessamine Mills, H.R. . 10-Feb-1911 1911 see Gelsemiaceae []

These Dicot specimens from Indiana are present in the herbarium at Cornell College [MOVC].

Family Scientific Name Subspecific Category
County Locality Tshp•Range•Sec
Collector Collection
Santalaceae Comandra umbellata (L.) Nutt. . Porter Pine, IN . Sand dunes, edge of lagoon, open. Bastard toad-flax. Mills, H.R. 302 30-May-1908 1908 .
Saxifragaceae Saxifraga pensylvanica L. . . Osborne, IN . Open, moist lowland. Not abundant. Swamp saxifrage. Mills, H.R. 282 30-May-1909 1909 see Micranthes pensylvanica (L.) Haw. []

These Dicot specimens from Iowa are present in the herbarium at Cornell College [MOVC].

Family Scientific Name Subspecific Category
County Locality Tshp•Range•Sec
Collector Collection
Salicaceae Populus deltoides Marsh. . Howard Hayden Prairie T100N_R13W_Sec.33 Upland prairie. NE1/4_Sec.33. Christiansen, Paul 843 8-Jul-1978 1978 .
Salicaceae Populus deltoides Marsh. . Linn Cornell College Campus, Mt. Vernon, IA. Lawn near Social Center . Cottonwood Adams, James E. 36 3-May-1960 1960 .
Salicaceae Populus grandidentata Michx. . Linn Palisades-Dows Preserve T82N_R6W_Sec.23&24 disturbed woodland Christiansen & Chadek 118 1-Jul-1969 1969 see Populus tremula subsp. grandidentata (Michx.) A. Love & D. Love []
Salicaceae Populus tremuloides Michx. . Howard Hayden Prairie T100N_R13W_Sec.33 Upland prairie, 2m tree. NE1/4_Sec. 33 Christiansen, Paul A. 998 10-Jun-1979 1979 .
Salicaceae Populus tremuloides Michx. . Linn Palisades-Dows Preserve T82N_R6W_Sec.23&24 Forest border Christiansen & Chadek 155 30-Jul-1969 1969 .
Salicaceae Salix discolor Muhl. . Howard Hayden Prairie T100N_R13W_Sec.33 Upland prairie, 1m shrub. NE1/4_Sec. 33 Christiansen, Paul A. 1000 10-Jun-1979 1979 .
Salicaceae Salix humilis Marsh. . Howard Hayden Prairie T100N_R13W_Sec.33 Upland prairie. NE1/4_Sec. 33 Christiansen, Paul A. 974 20-May-1979 1979 .
Salicaceae Salix interior Rowlee . Linn Palisades-Dows Preserve T82N_R6W_Sec.23&24 creek bank, 3m tall Christiansen & Chadek 134b 30-Jul-1969 1969 .
Salicaceae Salix petiolaris Sm. . Howard Hayden Prairie T100N_R13W_Sec.33 lowland prairie. NE1/4_Sec. 33 Christiansen, Paul A. 985 2-Jun-1979 1979 .
Salicaceae Salix rigida Muhl. . Howard Hayden Prairie T100N_R13W_Sec.33 upland prairie, 1m shrub. NE1/4_Sec. 33 Christiansen, Paul A. 999 10-Jun-1979 1979 see Salix eriocephala Michx. var. eriocephala []
Santalaceae Comandra richardsiana Fern. . Cedar Two miles south and four east of Mt. Vernon . Rocky, moist, clay hillside. Bastard toad flax Adams, James E. 97 17-May-1960 1960 see Comandra umbellata (L.) Nutt. []
Santalaceae Comandra umbellata (L.) Nutt. . Dickinson Arend's Kettlehole . Middle slope of rocky hillside. Bastard Toad-flax Christiansen, Paul A. 329b 27-Jul-1965 1965 .
Santalaceae Comandra umbellata (L.) Nutt. . Howard Hayden Prairie T100N_R13W_Sec.33 upland prairie. NE1/4_Sec.33 Christiansen, Paul A. 988 2-Jun-1979 1979 .
Sapidaceae Acer negundo L. . Dickinson Iowa Lakeside Laboratory Grounds T99N_R37W_Sec. 23 upper woodland. Boxelder Christiansen, Paul 202 12-Jul-1965 1965 Aceraceae [family on label]
Sapidaceae Acer negundo L. . Linn Palisades-Dows Preserve T82N_R6W_Sec.23&24 grass-forest border Christiansen & Chadek 159 30-Jul-1969 1969 Aceraceae [family on label]
Sapidaceae Acer saccharinum L. . Linn Palisades-Dows Preserve T82N_R6W_Sec.23&24 old field, forest border, draw. Christiansen & Chadek 150 30-Jul-1969 1969 Aceraceae [family on label]
Sapidaceae Acer saccharum Marsh. . Emmet Fort Defiance State Park . Oak�hickory woods. Hard Sugar Maple Christiansen, Paul 352 28-Jul-1965 1965 Aceraceae [family on label]
Sapidaceae Acer saccharum Marsh. . Linn Palisades-Dows Preserve T82N_R6W_Sec.23&24 oak-maple forest, mature Christiansen & Chadek 137 30-Jul-1969 1969 Aceraceae [family on label]
Sapidaceae Acer sp. . Linn Cornell College Campus. Tree found in back of South Hall near the corner of Fifth Avenue S. And Third Street W. . Simple opposite leaves, palmately lobed. Fruit resembles a propeller. Fissured bark. Williamson, Amy 19 10-May-1997 1997 Aceraceae [family on label]
Sapidaceae Acer sp. . Linn Farm of Laura Krouse N 41 deg 55.468' W 91 deg 25.448' specimen in indet. folder. Collected in moist/dry soil. Leaves opposite, palmately lobed. No flowers. Backman, P. A. 28 15-May-1998 1998 Aceraceae [family on label]
Sapidaceae Acer sp. . Linn Hitaga Sand Ridge Prairie Preserve. NE of intersection of Hitaga Rd & Wapsi Ridge Drive. N42deg15min W91deg39min Found tree at edge of pond in forest area. Green branched veined leaves in groups of three. Red and green horseshoe shaped fruit. Eanes, Kelley 7 7-May-1997 1997 Aceraceae [family on label]
Sapidaceae Acer sp. . Linn Hitaga Sand Ridge Prairie Preserve. NE of intersection of Hitaga Road and Wapsi Ridge Road. N42deg15' W91deg39' Found near a pond in the wooded area in the afternoon. Leaves are green and have palmate venation. Leaves are lobed. No apparent hair on leaves or branch. The seeds are contained in the helicopter like bearings. Sections of the branches are gray and green in color. Sheet 1 of 2 Meier, Michelle T. 12 7-May-1997 1997 Aceraceae [family on label]
Sapidaceae Acer sp. . Linn Hitaga Sand Ridge Prairie Preserve. NE of intersection of Hitaga Road and Wapsi Ridge Road. N42deg15' W91deg39' Found near a pond in the wooded area in the afternoon. Leaves are green and have palmate venation. Leaves are lobed. No apparent hair on leaves or branch. The seeds are contained in the helicopter like bearings. Sections of the branches are gray and green in color. Sheet 2of 2 Meier, Michelle T. 12 7-May-1997 1997 Aceraceae [family on label]
Sapidaceae Acer sp. . Linn Hitaga Sand Ridge Prairie Preserve N42deg15' W91deg39' Woody plant. Found by a pond. Three lobed leaves. Brown, crisp layer with a tail covering the seed. Madden, E.A. 11 7-May-1997 1997 Aceraceae [family on label]
Sapindaceae Aesculus glabra Willd. . Linn locale T82N_R5W_Sec.9 Horse Chestnut McCarty, George 16 8-May-1977 1977 Family on label: Hippocastanaceae
Sapindaceae Aesculus glabra Willd. . Linn locale T83N_R5W_Sec.9 cultivated (Cornell). Ohio Buckeye McCarty, George 5b 1-May-1977 1977 Family on label: Hippocastanaceae
Sapindaceae Aesculus sp. . Linn Cornell College Campus between South Hall and Geology Hall, near Brackett House. N41deg55.468' W91deg25.448' Leaves are opposite and palmately compound, margins serrate. Flowers are large, pale yellow and bell shaped, clustered in large upright panicles, stamens are protruding. Tree is large and mushroom shaped. Found in bright sun. Alt. 1318 ft +/- 492 ft. Horse-chestnut Price, L. L. 68 18-May-1997 1997 Family on label: Hippocastanaceae
Saxifragaceae Heuchera hispida Pursh . Linn Marion, IA . Marshy meadow. Alumroot Mills, H.R. 247 17-Jun-1906 1906 see Heuchera americana var. hispida (Pursh) E.F. Wells []
Saxifragaceae Heuchera richardsonii R. Br. . Dickinson Cayler prairie T99N_R37W_Sec.17 Alum root Christiansen, Paul A. 329b 27-Jul-1965 1965 .
Saxifragaceae Heuchera richardsonii R. Br. . Dickinson Woodley prairie T99N_R36W_Sec.31 middle slope, Alum root Christiansen, Paul A. 535 26-Jul-1965 1965 .
Saxifragaceae Heuchera richardsonii R. Br. . Howard Hayden Prairie T100N_R13W_Sec.33 lowland prairie. NE1/4_Sec. 33 Christiansen, Paul A. 793 21-Jun-1978 1978 .
Saxifragaceae Mitella diphylla L. . Clayton Pikes Peak State Park, SW1/4 Sec.35 T95N_R3W_Sec.35 rich woods, Bishops Cap Loynachan, Tim 5f 14-May-1979 1979 .
Saxifragaceae Mitella diphylla L. . Linn Mt. Vernon, IA. Spring Hollow. . Ravine, woods. Mitre wort, Bishop's cap. . . 15-May-1904 1904 .
Saxifragaceae Mitella diphylla L. . Linn Palisades State Park . Moist woods; near stream. Bishops Cap Adams, James E. #15 26-Apr-1960 1960 .
Saxifragaceae Mitella diphylla L. . Linn Palisades-Dows Preserve T82N_R6W_Sec.23&24 N-facing slope wooded Christiansen & Chadek 35b 20-May-1969 1969 .
Saxifragaceae Saxifraga pensylvanica L. . Howard Hayden Prairie T100N_R13W_Sec.33 lowland prairie. NE1/4_Sec. 33 Christiansen, Paul A. 977 2-Jun-1979 1979 see Micranthes pensylvanica (L.) Haw. []
Saxifragaceae Saxifraga pensylvanica L. . Linn Palisades-Dows Preserve T82N_R6W_Sec.23&24 creek bottom, saturated soil Christiansen & Chadek 16d 28-May-1969 1969 see Micranthes pensylvanica (L.) Haw. []
Saxifragaceae Sullivantia ohionis T&G . Linn Mt. Vernon, IA. Pallasades [sic]. . Clinging to rocks. . . 19-Jun-1904 1904 See Sullivantia sullivantii (T&G) Britton []
Saxifragaceae Sullivantia sullivantii (T&G) Britt. . Linn Palisades-Dows Preserve T82N_R6W_Sec.23&24 base of rocky outcrop Christiansen & Chadek 121 21-Jul-1969 1969 .
Scrophulariaceae Scrophularia marilandica L. . Linn Palisades-Dows Preserve T82N_R6W_Sec.23&24 open woodland, Quercus, 1.6 m tall (dark stamen) Christiansen & Chadek 157 30-Jul-1969 1969 .
Scrophulariaceae Scrophularia nodosa L. . Linn Mt. Vernon, IA. R.R. C & N.W. [Chicago & Northwestern R.R.] . Figwort. no collector. . . 17-Jun-1904 1904 no collector listed
Scrophulariaceae Scrophularia nodosa L. . Linn Mt. Vernon, IA . . Newton, G.W. . June 14, 1892 1892 .
Scrophulariaceae Verbascum sp. . Linn Hitaga Sand Ridge Prairie Preserve. NE of intersection of Hitaga Rd. & Wapsi Ridge Drive. 42deg 15'N 91 deg 39'W Found in clearing just past woods area in groups. Long brown woody stalk. End has many clusters of small brown pods. Eanes, Kelly 8 7-May-1997 1997 .
Scrophulariaceae Verbascum thapsus L. . Linn Hitaga Sand Ridge Prairie Preserve 42deg 15'N 91 deg 39'W Located in treeless, sandy waste area. Fruit capsules round, crowded on a spike-like raceme. Leaves soft (flannel like), decurrent, alternate. Stem thick, 0.75 cm. Three feet tall. common mullein Price, L. L. 9 7-May-1997 1997 .
Scrophulariaceae Verbascum thapsus L. . Linn Mt. Vernon, IA . . Newton, G.W. . June 29, 1892 1892 .
Scrophulariaceae Verbascum thapsus L. . Linn Palisades-Dows Preserve T82N_R6W_Sec.23&24 prairie opening, 1.2 m tall Christiansen & Chadek 141b 30-Jul-1969 1969 .
Scrophulariaceae Verbascum thapsus L. . Linn Paul Christensen's Prairie . Single, alternate leaves are oblong, downy, and lfow into stem. Stem downy as well. Dense, yellow flowers in tight, long spikes. Kupko, Megan 37 6-Jul-1999 1999 .
Solanaceae Datura tatula L. . Linn Mt. Vernon, IA . . Newton, G.W. . July 31, 1893 1893 see Datura stramonium L. []
Solanaceae Datura tatula L. . Linn Mt. Vernon, IA . Purple thorn apple. Open pasture, near Mt. Vernon . . 24-Jul-1905 1905 see Datura stramonium L. []
Solanaceae Physalis heterophylla Nees. . Dickinson . T100N_R37W_Sec.36 Roadside, mesic. Ground cherry. Christiansen, Paul A. 220 13-Jul-1965 1965 .
Solanaceae Physalis pensylvanica L. . Linn Mt. Vernon, Iowa. Railroad C. & N.W. [Chicago & Northwestern] . Ground cherry . . 14-Jun-1904 1904 See Physalis viscosa L. []
Solanaceae Physalis philadelphica Lam. . Linn Mt. Vernon, IA . . Newton, G.W. . June 24, 1892 1892 .
Solanaceae Solanum carolinense L. . Linn Hitaga Sand Ridge Prairie Preserve N 42deg 15' W91 deg 39' Located in treeless, sandy waste area. Fruit small (0.5-1.5 cm) yellow and smooth. Divided into two chambers with many flattened oval seeds. Forking stems. 1-2 feet. Stem mottled. horsenettle. Price, L. L. 7 7-May-1997 1997 .
Solanaceae Solanum carolinense L. . Linn Paul Christiansen's Prairie , Mt. Vernon, Iowa . Stems and underside of leaves prickly. Five violet or white petals in umbel shaped blossom. 1-4 ft. Open woods, roadsides and waste areas. Kupko, Megan 32 6-Jul-1999 1999 .
Solanaceae Solanum dulcamara L. . Dickinson Little Miller's Bay, Lake Okoboji . Wood, climbing shrub, rooted in shallow soil on sand spit near water level, Bittersweet Christiansen, Paul A. 674 22-Jun-1966 1966 .
Solanaceae Solanum dulcamara L. . Linn Cornell College Soccer fields, Mt. Vernon, Iowa . Woody, climbing vine. Leaves oval, often with 1-2 prominent lobes at base. Flowers violet stars, petals curled back. Fruits red. Waste places. Kupko, Megan 28 29-Jun-1999 1999 .
Solanaceae Solanum nigrum L. . Linn Mt. Vernon, IA . . Newton, G.W. . . . see Solanum americanum Mill. []
Solanaceae Solanum rostratum Dunal . Dickinson Iowa Lakeside Lab Grounds T99N_R37W_Sec.23 Middle slope, weedy grassy area. buffalo-bur Christiansen, Paul A. 354 28-Jul-1965 1965 .
Staphyleaceae Staphylea trifolia L. . Linn Mt. Vernon, Iowa T82N_R5_Sec.33 bush growing in woods next county road. Bladdernut Thompson, Beth 14d 9-May-1977 1977 .
Staphyleaceae Staphylea trifolia L. . Muscatine & Louisa Big Sand Mound Preserve T76N_R2W_Sec.33&34 T75N_R2W_Sec.3&4 West of west shore of Spring Lake, Upland forest Christiansen & Johnson 111 7-Aug-1985 1985 .

These Dicot specimens from Kansas are present in the herbarium at Cornell College [MOVC].

Family Scientific Name Subspecific Category
County Locality Tshp•Range•Sec
Collector Collection
Santalaceae Comandra pallida A. DC. . Geary Junction City, KS . Foot of open rocky bluff. . . 2-Jun-1906 1906 See Comandra umbellata (L.) Nutt. ssp. pallida (A. DC.) Piehl. []
Solanaceae Solanum rostratum Dunal . Geary Junction City, KS . . Mills, H.R. 245 4-Jun-1906 1906 i.d. in need of verification.
Solanaceae Solanum rostratum Dunal . Geary Junction City, KS . Street side Mills, H.R. 245 4-Jun-1906 1906 .
Staphyleaceae Staphylea trifolia L. . Douglas Baldwin, KS . Sandy woods near brook. American bladdernut. Mills, H.R. . 29-Apr-1906 1906 Family on label: Sapindaceae.

These Dicot specimens from Michigan are present in the herbarium at Cornell College [MOVC].

Family Scientific Name Subspecific Category
County Locality Tshp•Range•Sec
Collector Collection
Saururaceae Saururus cernuus L. . Berrien Benton Harbor, MI . Low moist shades. Aromatic, abundant. Lizards tail. Mills, H.R. 291 3-Aug-1909 1909 Family on label: Piperaceae

These Dicot specimens from Minnesota are present in the herbarium at Cornell College [MOVC].

Family Scientific Name Subspecific Category
County Locality Tshp•Range•Sec
Collector Collection
Salicaceae Populus balsamifera L. . Hubbard Itasca State Park, MN, Twin Lakes . disturbed area. Balsam poplar Christiansen, Paul A. 462 5-Aug-1965 1965 [perhaps Wadena Co., MN]
Salicaceae Populus grandidentata Michx. . Lake ACM Station . near camp Hellwig, Bob 25c 27-Jul-1966 1966 see Populus tremula subsp. grandidentata (Michx.) A. Love & D. Love []
Salicaceae Populus tremuloides Michx. . Lake ACM Station, Basswood Lake . . Hellwig, Bob 21c 27-Jul-1966 1966 .
Salicaceae Salix pedicellaris Pursh var. hypoglauca Fern. Lake Back Bay . bog Hellwig, Bob 73b 9-Aug-1966 1966 see Salix myrtilloides var. hypoglauca (Fernald) C.R. Ball []
Sapidaceae Acer rubrum L. . Clearwater Itasca State Park, Bohall Trail . red pine forest. Red Maple . . . . Aceraceae [family on label]
Sapidaceae Acer spicatum Lam. . Clearwater Itasca State Park, Bog 'D' Trail . Lower red pine forest. Mountain Maple . . . . Aceraceae [family on label]
Sapidaceae Acer spicatum Lam. . Clearwater Itasca State Park, Bohall Trail . In middle of red pine forest. Mountain Maple Christiansen, Paul 435 5-Aug-1965 1965 Aceraceae [family on label]
Sapidaceae Acer spicatum Lam. . Lake ACM Wilderness Field Station, Trail west of field station. . Shrubby area. Latham, Hazel 1186 14-Jun-1983 1983 Aceraceae [family on label]
Sapidaceae Acer spicatum Lam. . Lake Canoe Island . . Hellwig, Bob 32 28-Jul-1966 1966 Aceraceae [family on label]
Sarraceniaceae Sarracenia purpurea L. . Lake ACM Wilderness Field Station . Bog on east side Cloquet, north of field station, bog. Latham, Hazel 1141 16-Jun-1983 1983 .
Sarraceniaceae Sarracenia purpurea L. . Lake Back Bay . . Hellwig, Bob 97b 18-Aug-1966 1966 .
Scrophulariaceae Mimulus ringens L. . Lake Canoe, Is. . . Hellwig, Bob 29 28-Jul-1966 1966 Family on label: Scrophulariaceae.

These Dicot specimens from New York are present in the herbarium at Cornell College [MOVC].

Family Scientific Name Subspecific Category
County Locality Tshp•Range•Sec
Collector Collection
Solanaceae Solanum dulcamara L. . Ulster Katrine, NY. Location presumably Lake Katrine , NY . Bittersweet. Open swamp. Location presumably Lake Katrine , NY . . 30-Jul-1902 1902 .

These Dicot specimens from Wisconsin are present in the herbarium at Cornell College [MOVC].

Family Scientific Name Subspecific Category
County Locality Tshp•Range•Sec
Collector Collection
Solanaceae Solanum dulcamara L. . Waukesha New Berlin, WI . . Newton, G.W. . July 9, 1893 1893 .

A total of 84 Dicot specimens from the Cornell College herbarium are presented above.

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