Plant Specimens Housed in the Cornell College Herbarium.

These Rosaceae specimens from Alaska are present in the herbarium at Cornell College [MOVC].

Family Scientific Name Subspecific Category County Locality Tshp•Range•Sec.
Collector Collection
Rosaceae Pyrus diversifolia Bong. . Prince of Wales-Outer Ketchikan Hyder, AK . Crab apple. [Original i.d.: Crataegus breviforma] Whited, Kirk 1236 9-Jun-1924 1924 See Malus fusca (Raf.) Schneid. var. diversifolia (Bong.) Schneid. []. Original i.d.: Crataegus breviforma.
Rosaceae Rubus pedatus Smith . Prince of Wales-Outer Ketchikan Hyder, AK . Creeping red raspberry. Damp banks. Whited, Kirk 1219 5-Jun-1924 1924 See Psychrobatia pedata (Sm.) Greene []
Rosaceae Spiraea menziesii Hooker . Prince of Wales-Outer Ketchikan Hyder, AK . Border of marsh Whited, Kirk 1368 5-Aug-1924 1924 See Spiraea douglasii Hook. ssp. menziesii (Hook.) Calder & Taylor []

These Rosaceae specimens from Florida are present in the herbarium at Cornell College [MOVC].

Family Scientific Name Subspecific Category
County Locality Tshp•Range•Sec
Collector Collection
Rosaceae Prunus angustifolia Marsh. . Clay Orange Park, FL . Chickasaw Plum In pine woods Infected with Spanish air moss. Mills, H.R. . 5-Feb-1911 1911 .
Rosaceae Rosa cherokeensis Donn . Duval Jacksonville, FL . Cherokee rose. Bank of slow stream. Masses of blossoms lined the marsh stream as far as the eye could reach. . . 12-Feb-1911 1911 .

These Rosaceae specimens from Illinois are present in the herbarium at Cornell College [MOVC].

Family Scientific Name Subspecific Category
County Locality Tshp•Range•Sec
Collector Collection
Rosaceae Agrimonia gryposepala Wallr. . Cook Beverly Hills, IL . Agrimony. Edge of woods. Mills, H.R. . 10-Jul-1910 1910 .

These Rosaceae specimens from Indiana are present in the herbarium at Cornell College [MOVC].

Family Scientific Name Subspecific Category
County Locality Tshp•Range•Sec
Collector Collection
Rosaceae Potentilla anserina (L.) Rydb. . Porter Pine, IN. L.S. & M. S. RR [presumably Lake Shore and Michigan Southern Railroad] . Silver-weed . . 30-May-1901 1901 .

These Rosaceae specimens from Iowa are present in the herbarium at Cornell College [MOVC].

Family Scientific Name Subspecific Category
County Locality Tshp•Range•Sec
Collector Collection
Rosaceae Agrimonia parviflora Ait. . Linn Mt. Vernon Quarry . Leaves divided; main stem leaves with 11-19 unequal leaflets. Leaflet smooth above, hairy below; strongly serrated. Tiny yellow flowers, in slender branched spikes. 3-6 ft. Damp thickets, in clumps. Kupko, Megan 57 14-Jul-1999 1999 .
Rosaceae Agrimonia striata Michx. . Clay . T96N_R3W_Sec.26 Weedy, moist woods. Agrimony Christiansen, Paul 394c 25-Jul-1965 1965 .
Rosaceae Agrimonia striata Michx. . Dickinson Milford Woods T98N_R37W_Sec.10 Bur-oak woods. Agrimony Christiansen, Paul 374 20-Jul-1965 1965 .
Rosaceae Aruncus dioicus (Walt.) Fern. . Jackson Ozark Recreation Area . Disturbed woodland Christiansen, Paul 1116 2-Jun-1987 1987 see Aruncus vulgaris Raf. []. spelling on label: Aruncus dioica (Walt.) Fern.
Rosaceae Crataegus margaretta Ashe. . Linn Palisades-Dows Preserve T82N_R6W_Sec.23&24 slope of forest Christiansen & Chadek 56e 18-Jun-1969 1969 .
Rosaceae Crataegus viridis L. . Linn Mt. Vernon, IA Pallasades [sic] . Roadside . . 21-May-1904 1904 .
Rosaceae Fragaria sp. . Linn Camp Hitaga . Grows in moist woods. Common. White. Leaves hairy. Augden, N.H. 7 7-May-1997 1997 .
Rosaceae Fragaria sp. . Linn Dvork Prairie. Found in area on west side of road. N 41deg 53.340' W 91deg 26.618' Leaves are dark green on top & Light green underneath. Flowers are light yellow with 5 petals. Stem is green with some dark red coloring at the bottom. alt. +/- 723 ft. Eanes, Kelly 35 13-May-1997 1997 .
Rosaceae Fragaria sp. . Linn Hitago Sand Ridge Prairie Reserve NE of intersection of Hitago Road and Wapsi Ridge Road] 42 deg 15' N 91 deg 39' W Found in wooded area in the afternoon. Moist ground. Flowers were open. There are five pale white petals. There are three coarsely toothed leaflets per stem. Leaves are ovate and serrate. There are fine white hairs on the leaves and stems. Meier, Michelle T. 11 7-May-1997 1997 .
Rosaceae Fragaria sp. . Linn Hitago Sand Ridge Prairie Reserve. NE of intersecton of Hitaga Rd. & Wapsi Ridge Drive 42 deg 15' N 91 deg 39' W Found along path in shade of bushes. Light green fuzzy stem and leaves. Flowers 5 white petals. Leaves on separate stem, then flowers. Eanes, Kelly 10 7-May-1997 1997 .
Rosaceae Fragaria sp. . Linn Phelps Woods N 41 deg 51.599' W 91deg 23.50' Growing scattered along edge of savanna-prairie, near woods. Friedlein, Allison 7 8-May-1998 1998 .
Rosaceae Fragaria sp. . Linn Saylor Phelps Woods N 41deg 51.599' W 91deg 23.050' Sunny area. Whtie flowers. Green leaves. Low to ground. Found in clusters. Sparse Arwood, J. M. 26 13-May-1997 1997 .
Rosaceae Fragaria vesca L. . Linn Hitago Sand Ridge Prairie Reserve 42 deg 15' N 91 deg 39' W Woodland area at intersection of Wapsi Ridge Drive and Hitaga Road. White flower. Green leaves and stem. Flowers open during the rain about 1:00 pm. Common. wood strawberry Arwood, J. M. 7 13-May-1997 1997 .
Rosaceae Fragaria virginiana Duchesne . Howard Hayden Prairie T100N_R13W_Sec.33 upland prairie. NE1/4_sec.33 Christiansen, Paul 987 2-Jun-1979 1979 .
Rosaceae Fragaria virginiana Duchesne . Linn Dvork Prairie N 41deg 53.340' W 91deg 26.618' 4-5 white petals, center is yellow. Three toothed leaflets on a skinny stalk. Woolly stem and leaves. alt. 789 ft +/- 181 ft. Common Wild Strawberry Williamson, Amy 40 13-May-1997 1997 .
Rosaceae Fragaria virginiana Duchesne . Linn Dvork Prairie N 41deg 53.340' W 91deg 26.618' Located in a recently burned prairie. Leaves and stems pubescent. Leaves made of three leaflets, heavily toothed. Flowers and leaves separately stalked. Flowers have white round petals and a large yellow center, flowers are held in a flat cluster. No fruit present, yet. Abundant sun, 3-4 inches tall. elev. 789 ft +/- 181 ft. Price, L. L. 39 13-May-1997 1997 .
Rosaceae Fragaria virginiana Duchesne . Linn Fieldhouse, Cornell College, Mt. Vernon, IA . Cinders along railroad tracks. wild strawberry Adams, James E. 60 10-May-1960 1960 .
Rosaceae Fragaria virginiana Duchesne . Linn Palisades-Dows Preserve T82N_R6W_Sec.23&24 mid-slope Christiansen & Chadek 9c 3-May-1969 1969 spelling on label: Fragaria virginica Duchesne
Rosaceae Fragaria virginiana Duchesne . Linn Saylor Phelps Woods N41 deg 51.599' W 91 deg 23.050' Grows in moist woods. common. white. leaves hairy. Augden, N.H. 21 13-May-1997 1997 .
Rosaceae Fragaria virginiana Duchesne . Linn Saylor Phelps Woods N41 deg 51.599' W 91 deg 23.050' Located in a sandy opening of a woody thicket. Leaves and stems pubescent. Leaves made of three leaflets, heavily toothed. Flowers and leaves separately stalked. Flowers have white round petals and a large yellow center, flowers are held in a flat cluster. No fruit present, yet. Abundant sun, 3-4 inches tall. Price, L. L. 46 13-May-1997 1997 .
Rosaceae Geum canadense Jacq. . Emmet Fort Defiance State Park . creek bank, beside path Christiansen, Paul 345 28-Jul-1965 1965 .
Rosaceae Geum canadense Jacq. . Linn Palisades-Dows Preserve T82N_R6W_Sec.23&24 elm-oak forest Christiansen & Chadek 132b 29-Jul-1969 1969 .
Rosaceae Geum laciniatum Murr. . Howard Hayden Prairie T100N_R13W_Sec.33 wet prairie. NE1/4,SW1/4_Sec.33 Christiansen, Paul 820 30-Jun-1978 1978 .
Rosaceae Geum triflorum Pursh . Howard Hayden Prairie, 6 miles NE of Saratoga, IA . upland prairie, prairie smoke Christiansen, Paul 172b 2-May-1965 1965 see Erythrocoma triflora (Pursh) Greene []
Rosaceae Geum triflorum Pursh . Howard Hayden Prairie T100N_R13W_Sec.33 lowland, disturbed prairie. NE1/4,SE1/4_Sec.33 Christiansen, Paul 973 20-May-1979 1979 see Erythrocoma triflora (Pursh) Greene []
Rosaceae Malus sp. . Linn Cornell College Campus. Found by West Science in a group with several others. N41 deg 55.468' W 91 deg 25.448' Sweet smell. Green leaves. White flowers with white petals and yellow anthers. Flowers are in thick clumps. Tree is densely covered with flower clusters. alt. 1318 +/- 492' Eanes, Kelly 25 9-May-1997 1997 .
Rosaceae Malus sp. . Linn Cornell College Campus. Found by the Cole Library. N41 deg 55.468' W 91 deg 25.448' Tree has green leaves of various shapes. Flowers are white and pink with 4 petals. They are arranged in groups. The anthers are bight yellow. Sweet smell. alt. 1318 +/- 492' Eanes, Kelly 19 9-May-1997 1997 .
Rosaceae Malus sp. . Linn Cornell College Campus. Found just outside of West Science in full sunlight. N41 deg 55.468' W 91 deg 25.448' Large tree in full bloom. Whitish, strongly scented flowers, with long yellow anthers. Five petals (dicot) and serrated leaves. alt. 1318 +/- 492' Thompson, L. S. 11 9-May-1997 1997 .
Rosaceae Malus sp. . Linn Cornell College Campus. Found near West Science building in the afternoon. N41 deg 55.468' W 91 deg 25.448' Woody. Flowers were open. Flowers are perfect. Calyx of 5 sepals. Corolla of 5 petals. The petals are whitish-yellow in color. Stamen are present. Leaves are ovate and serrate. Leaves are green. The branch is reddish-brown in color and is relatively smooth. alt. 1318 +/- 492' Meier, Michelle T. 22 9-May-1997 1997 .
Rosaceae Malus sp. . Linn Cornell College Campus. Found near West Science building in the afternoon. N41 deg 55.468' W 91 deg 25.448' Woody. Flowers were open. There are five petals that are reddish-purple in color. The petals have dark purple veins. Anthers are yellow. The leaves are simple and pinnate. The leaves are serrate and small. The branch is reddish brown and is relatively smooth. alt. 1318 +/- 492' sheet 1 of 2 Meier, Michelle T. 19 9-May-1997 1997 .
Rosaceae Malus sp. . Linn Cornell College Campus. Found near West Science building in the afternoon. N41 deg 55.468' W 91 deg 25.448' Woody. Flowers were open. There are five petals that are reddish-purple in color. The petals have dark purple veins. Anthers are yellow. The leaves are simple and pinnate. The leaves are serrate and small. The branch is reddish brown and is relatively smooth. alt. 1318 +/- 492' sheet 2 of 2 Meier, Michelle T. 19 9-May-1997 1997 .
Rosaceae Malus sp. . Linn Cornell College Campus. Found on S side of King Chapel. N41 deg 55.468' W 91 deg 25.448' Tree had several different green shaped leaves. Flowers were lavender colored with 4 petals and long stamen. Flowers are grouped together in clumps. alt. 1318 +/- 492' Eanes, Kelly 18 9-May-1997 1997 .
Rosaceae Malus sp. . Linn Cornell College Campus. Found on SW side of West Science. N41 deg 55.468' W 91 deg 25.448' Leaves range from light green to dark green. Flowers are dark wine color with 5 petals. Sweet smell. alt. 1318 +/- 492 Eanes, Kelly 29 9-May-1997 1997 .
Rosaceae Malus sp. . Linn Cornell College Campus. Found on west end of Law Hall. N41 deg 55.468' W 91 deg 25.448' Tree with several different shaped leaves. Red wine colored flowers with 4 petals and yellow anthers. Flowers are in clusters. alt. 1318 +/- 492' Eanes, Kelly . . . .
Rosaceae Malus sp. . Linn Cornell College Campus. Located in front of the library's north entrance on Cornell College. N41 deg 55.468' W 91 deg 25.448' Small sapling tree planted this spring. Leaves are simple, pinnate, serrate, shape is a narrow (0.5 in.) oval that tapers to a point at the tip, somewhat hairy. Flowers are white and sweetly fragrant (this tree did not bloom until late May and flowers were not long-lived). Flowers are actinomorphic (5 petals), perfect, epyginous and adnate to the floral cup, with a carpellate compound pistil. No thorns, and fruit is a red pome. Found in abundant sun next to five other Malus trees of seemingly identical nature. 7-10 feet. alt. 1318 +/- 492' Price, L. L. 17 9-May-1997 1997 .
Rosaceae Malus sp. . Linn Cornell College Campus. Located near West Science Center on Cornell College. N41 deg 55.468' W 91 deg 25.448' Leaves are simple, pinnate, serrate, shape is a narrow (0.75 in.) oval that tapers to a point at the tip. Flowers are white (some with red veins, fading to white with maturity) and sweetly fragrant. Flowers are actinomorphic (5 petals), perfect, epyginous and adnate to the floral cup, with a carpellate compound pistil. No thorns, and no fruit on tree. Found in abundant sun next to two other Malus trees of seemingly identical nature. 30-40 feet. alt. 1318 +/- 492' Price, L. L. 10 9-May-1997 1997 .
Rosaceae Malus sp. . Linn Cornell College Campus. Located near West Science Center on Cornell College. N41 deg 55.468' W 91 deg 25.448' Leaves are simple, pinnate, serrate, shape is a narrow (0.75 in.) oval that tapers to a point at the tip. Flowers are white (some with red veins, fading to white with maturity) and sweetly fragrant. Flowers are actinomorphic (5 petals), perfect, epyginous and adnate to the floral cup, with a carpellate compound pistil. No thorns, and no fruit on tree. Found in abundant sun next to two other Malus trees of seemingly identical nature. 30-40 feet. alt. 1318 +/- 492' Price, L. L. 11 9-May-1997 1997 .
Rosaceae Malus sp. . Linn Cornell College Campus. Located near West Science Center on Cornell College. N41 deg 55.468' W 91 deg 25.448' Leaves are simple, pinnate, serrate, shape is a narrow (0.75 in.) oval that tapers to a point at the tip. Flowers are white (some with red veins, fading to white with maturity) and sweetly fragrant. Flowers are actinomorphic (5 petals), perfect, epyginous and adnate to the floral cup, with a carpellate compound pistil. No thorns, and no fruit on tree. Found in abundant sun next to two other Malus trees of seemingly identical nature. 30-40 feet. alt. 1318 +/- 492' Price, L. L. 12 9-May-1997 1997 .
Rosaceae Malus sp. . Linn Cornell College Campus. Located to the 1eft of the north entrance to the library on Cornell College. N41 deg 55.468' W 91 deg 25.448' Leaves are small simple, pinnate, serrate, shape is oval that tapers to a mild point at the tip, and the leaves are slightly hairy. Flower bud is a pinkish red fading to a pinkish white or all white when mature, flowers are fragrant. Flowers are actinomorphic (5 petals), perfect, epyginous and adnate to the floral cup, with carpellate compound pistil. No thorns, and fruit is a red pome. Found in partial sun and shade. Tree is widely branching, 25-30 feet. alt. 1318 +/- 492' Price, L. L. 16 9-May-1997 1997 .
Rosaceae Malus sp. . Linn Cornell College Campus. Located to the left of King Chapel�s south side on Cornell College. N41 deg 55.468' W 91 deg 25.448' Leaves are simple, pinnate, serrate. Leaf color is a deep green with a purplish red overcast and venation Flowers are a deep carmine (reddish-purple) and fragrant. Flowers are actinomorphic (5 petals), perfect, epyginous and adnate to the floral cup, with a carpellate compound pistil. No thorns, and fruit is a pome. Found in abundant sun, 25-30 feet. alt. 1318 +/- 492' Price, L. L. 18 9-May-1997 1997 .
Rosaceae Malus sp. . Linn Cornell College Campus. Located to the right of King Chapel�s south side on Cornell College. N41 deg 55.468' W 91 deg 25.448' Leaves are simple, pinnate, serrate, shape is an oval that tapers to a point at the tip. Some leaves are darker green and hairy underneath. Flowers are a light purple (lilac) color and some blooms were more pink or more white, and fragrant. The entire tree did not bloom (trunk was heavily damaged this spring). Flowers are actinomorphic (5 petals), perfect, epyginous and adnate to the floral cup, with a carpellate compound pistil. No thorns, and no fruit on tree. Found in partial sun and shade. 20-25 feet, widely branching. alt. 1318 +/- 492' Price, L. L. 19 9-May-1997 1997 .
Rosaceae Malus sp. . Linn Cornell College Campus. Tree between West Science and Cole Library. . 5 white petals which seem to sparkle when examined closely. Some petals have pink streaks. The flowers grow in bunches and were open in early afternoon. Flowers may be bee pollinated. Williamson, Amy 15 10-May-1997 1997 .
Rosaceae Malus sp. . Linn Cornell College Campus. Tree in back of South Hall near 5th Avenue S. . 5 very soft and delicate looking pink petals. Flowers grow in bunches and appear to be bee pollinated. Flowers were open in early afternoon. Williamson, Amy 18 10-May-1997 1997 .
Rosaceae Malus sp. . Linn Cornell College Campus. Tree in back of South Hall. . 5 very soft and delicate looking pink petals. Flowers grow in bunches and appear to be bee pollinated. Flowers were open in early afternoon. Williamson, Amy 33 10-May-1997 1997 .
Rosaceae Malus sp. . Linn Cornell College Campus. Tree located behind Cole Library nearest the road. . 5 white petals which seem to sparkle when examined closely. Some petals have pink streaks. The flowers grow in bunches and were open in the early afternoon. Appears to be bee pollinated. Williamson, Amy 35 10-May-1997 1997 .
Rosaceae Malus sp. . Linn Cornell College Campus. Tree located in back of King Chapel near the circular drive. . 5 dark pink / purple petals which lighten to form the white center of the flower. Flowers grow in bunches. Williamson, Amy 33 10-May-1997 1997 .
Rosaceae Malus sp. . Linn Cornell College Campus. Tree located in back of King Chapel near the circular drive. . 5 very soft and delicate looking pink petals. Flowers grow in bunches and appear to be bee pollinated. Flowers were open in early afternoon. Williamson, Amy 33 10-May-1997 1997 .
Rosaceae Malus sp. . Linn Cornell College Campus. Tree located in back of King Chapel near the circular drive. . 5 white / pink petals. Flowers grow in bunches. Simple leaves. Williamson, Amy 32 10-May-1997 1997 .
Rosaceae Malus sp. . Linn Cornell College Campus. Tree located in between King Chapel and Old Sem. . 5 white petals which seem to sparkle when examined closely. Some petals have pink streaks. The flowers grow in bunches and were open in the early afternoon. Appears to be bee pollinated. Williamson, Amy 31 10-May-1997 1997 .
Rosaceae Malus sp. . Linn Cornell College Campus. Tree located in front of Cole Library. . 5 white petals. Flowers grow in bunches. Simple leaves. Fruit has a red fleshy seed coat. Williamson, Amy 30 10-May-1997 1997 .
Rosaceae Malus sp. . Linn Cornell College Campus. Tree located on the side of Cole Library nearest West Science. . 5 white/pink petals. Flowers grow in bunches. Simple leaves. Williamson, Amy 29 10-May-1997 1997 .
Rosaceae Malus sp. . Linn Cornell College Campus. Tree with straight trunk near path in front of West Science. . 5 white petals which seem to sparkle when examined closely. Some petals have pink streaks. The flowers grow in bunches and were open in early afternoon. Flowers may be bee pollinated. Williamson, Amy 14 10-May-1997 1997 .
Rosaceae Malus sp. . Linn Cornell College Campus. Tree with crooked trunk in front of West Science. . 5 white petals which seem to sparkle when examined closely. Some petals have pink streaks. The flowers grow in bunches and were open in early afternoon. Flowers may be bee pollinated. Williamson, Amy 13 10-May-1997 1997 .
Rosaceae Malus sp. . Linn Cornell College Campus N41 deg 55.468' W 91 deg 25.448' Woody plant. Open flowers. Found in the afternoon. 5 white petals. Yellow anthers. Long, pointy sepals. Serrated leaves. Glabrous leaves. Floral smell. alt. 1318 +/- 492' Madden, E.A. 15 9-May-1997 1997 .
Rosaceae Malus sp. . Linn Cornell College N41 deg 55.468' W 91 deg 25.448' Grows in grassy area. Common. Pinkish-white. Leaves smooth, dentated. alt. 1318 +/- 492' Augden, N.H. 12 8-May-1997 1997 .
Rosaceae Malus sp. . Linn Cornell College N41 deg 55.468' W 91 deg 25.448' Grows in grassy area. Common. White. Leaves smooth, dentated. alt. 1318 +/- 492' Augden, N.H. 10 8-May-1997 1997 .
Rosaceae Malus sp. . Linn Cornell College N41 deg 55.468' W 91 deg 25.448' Reddish-pink flowers. Dense clusters on tree. Green leaves with pink tint. Flowers open at 1:00pm. Aromatic. alt. 1318 +/- 492' Arwood, J. M. 13 9-May-1997 1997 .
Rosaceae Malus sp. . Linn Cornell College N41 deg 55.468' W 91 deg 25.448' White flowers on tree. Dense, common clusters. Open at 1:00pm. Green leaves. Aromatic. alt. 1318 +/- 492'. I.D. in need of verification. Arwood, J.M. 10 9-May-1997 1997 I.D. in need of verification.
Rosaceae Malus sp. . Linn Cornell Property. Found near West Science building. N41 deg 55.468' W 91 deg 25.448' Woody. Found in afternoon. Flowers were open. There are five petals that are reddish-pink and pale white. Anthers are yellow. The leaves are simple and pinnate. The leaves are serrate and small. The branch is reddish brown and relatively smooth. alt. 1318 +/- 492' Meier, Michelle T. 18 9-May-1997 1997 .
Rosaceae Malus sp. . Linn Hitago Sand Ridge Prairie Reserve. Woodland area at intersection of Wapsi Ridge Drive and Hitaga Road. 42 deg 15' N 91 deg 39' W White flower on a tree. Flowers open during the rain at 1:00pm. Leaves on tree only by flowers. Many anthers. Aromatic. Flowers common on the tree. Arwood, J.M. 6 7-May-1997 1997 .
Rosaceae Physocarpus opulifolius (L.) Maxim. . Clayton . T92N_R4W_Sec.7. Base of roadside bluff in talus. Ninebark Christiansen, Paul 707 15-Jun-1968 1968 see Opulaster opulifolius (L.) Kuntze []
Rosaceae Potentilla anserina L. . Dickinson Silver Lake Fen, Lake Park, IA T100N_R38W_Sec.32 Wet prairie adjacent to fen Christiansen, P. 1090 11-Jun-1985 1985 .
Rosaceae Potentilla arguta Pursh . Cedar Hoover Prairie, West Branch, IA . Erect, glandular hair. Pinnate leaves at base of stem divided into 7 -11 oval , sharply toothed leaflets. Flowers 5-pettled and white-cream. Rocky soils, prairie. 1-3 ft. Kupko, Megan 59 20-Jul-1999 1999 see Drymocallis arguta (Pursh) Rydb. []
Rosaceae Potentilla arguta Pursh . Dickinson . T99N_R37W_Sec.16 prairie. on slopes. Cinquefoil Christiansen, Paul 477 8-Aug-1965 1965 see Drymocallis arguta (Pursh) Rydb. []
Rosaceae Potentilla norvegica L. . Dickinson . T100N_R37W_Sec.36 Farmyard, upper slope Christiansen, Paul 217 13-Jul-1965 1965 .
Rosaceae Potentilla norvegica L. . Dickinson Near Woodley Prairie T99N_R36W_Sec.31 . Christiansen, Paul 177b 20-Jul-1965 1965 .
Rosaceae Potentilla recta L. . Howard Hayden Prairie T100N_R13W_Sec.33 Upland, abandoned, cultivated wildlife food patch. NE1/4,SW1/4_sec.33 Christiansen, Paul 883 28-Jul-1978 1978 .
Rosaceae Potentilla recta L. . Linn Palisades-Dows Preserve T82N_R6W_Sec.23&24 grassy hillside Christiansen & Chadek 100c 1-Jul-1969 1969 .
Rosaceae Potentilla rivalis Nutt. . Howard Hayden Prairie T100N_R13W_Sec.33 Low disturbed prairie. NE1/4,SE1/4_sec.33 Christiansen, Paul 911 23-Aug-1978 1978 .
Rosaceae Potentilla simplex Michx. . Howard Hayden Prairie T100N_R13W_Sec.33 Upland prairie. NE1/4,SE1/4_sec.33 Christiansen, Paul 776 21-Jun-1978 1978 see Callionia simplex (Michx.) Greene []
Rosaceae Potentilla simplex Michx. . Linn Palisades-Dows Preserve T82N_R6W_Sec.23&24 old fencerow, semi-open woodland Christiansen & Chadek 103b 2-Jul-1969 1969 see Callionia simplex (Michx.) Greene []
Rosaceae Prunus americana Marsh. . Dickinson Milford Woods T98N_R37W_Sec.10 wild plum Christiansen, Paul 258 15-Jul-1965 1965 .
Rosaceae Prunus americana Marsh. . Howard Hayden Prairie T100N_R13W_Sec.33 Upland prairie, 1.5 m. shrub. NE1/4_sec.33 Christiansen, Paul 1016 8-Sep-1979 1979 .
Rosaceae Prunus pensylvanica L. f. . Mitchell Mona Railroad Prairie, Mona, IA T100N_R18W_Sec.11 Upland prairie on railroad right-of-way. SW1/4_Sec.11 Christiansen, Paul 1130 3-Jun-1986 1986 .
Rosaceae Prunus serotina Ehrh. . Howard Hayden Prairie T100N_R13W_Sec.33 Upland prairie, 2m shrub. NE1/4_sec.33 Christiansen, Paul 861 28-Jul-1978 1978 .
Rosaceae Prunus serotina Ehrh. . Story 3 mi. S. of Ames, IA . Upper slope, oak, elm overstory. black cherry Christiansen, P. 688 10-Aug-1966 1966 .
Rosaceae Prunus virginiana L. . Dickinson Lakeside Lab, W. Okoboji, Milford, IA . Upper woodland. Choke cherry Christiansen, Paul 200b 12-Jul-1965 1965 see Padus virginiana (L.) M. Roem. []
Rosaceae Pyrus coronaria (L.) Mill. . Linn Mt. Vernon, Iowa. Pallasades [sic]. . Wild crab apple. Roadside, sand. . . 21-May-1904 1904 See Sorbus coronaria (L.) MacMill. []
Rosaceae Pyrus halliana Voss . Linn Cornell campus, Mt. Vernon, IA . cultivated. Hall crab. Naik, Dhansukh 1146 13-May-1967 1967 see Malus halliana Koehne []
Rosaceae Pyrus ioensis (Wood) Carruth. . Linn Palisades-Dows Preserve T82N_R6W_Sec.23&24 disturbed woodland. Christiansen & Chadek 75c 20-May-1969 1969 see Malus coronaria subsp. ioensis (Alph. Wood) Likhonos []
Rosaceae Pyrus ioensis (Wood) Carruth. . Linn Palisades-Dows Preserve T82N_R6W_Sec.23&24 woodland edge. Christiansen & Chadek 74b 28-May-1969 1969 see Malus coronaria subsp. ioensis (Alph. Wood) Likhonos []
Rosaceae Rosa carolina L. var. grandiflora (Baker) Rehder Cedar Fields timber, Cedar Co., IA T82N_R1W_Sec.1 Open sand hill (old rye field). Pasture Rose Fields, Jess 225c 14-Jul-1982 1982 .
Rosaceae Rosa multiflora Thumb. . Linn Palisades-Dows Preserve T82N_R6W_Sec.23&24 creek botom Christiansen & Chadek 51b 18-Jun-1969 1969 .
Rosaceae Rosa spinosissima L. . Linn Mt. Vernon, IA T82N_R5W_Sec.9 Cultivated hedge. NE1/4_Sec.9. LaRue, Denise 1144 21-May-1979 1979 original i.d.: Rosa multiflora Thunb.
Rosaceae Rosa suffulta Greene . Dickinson Iowa Lakeside Laboratory Grounds T99N_R37W_Sec.23 Along path in dense Bromus stand Christiansen, Paul 210 12-Jul-1965 1965 see Rosa arkansana var. suffulta (Greene) Cockerell []
Rosaceae Rosa suffulta Greene . Howard Hayden Prairie T100N_R13W_Sec.33 upland prairie. NE1/4_Sec.33. Christiansen, Paul 752 21-Jun-1978 1978 see Rosa arkansana var. suffulta (Greene) Cockerell []
Rosaceae Spiraea alba DuRoi . Dickinson Woodley Prairie T99N_R36W_Sec.31 wet prairie. meadow sweet Christiansen, Paul 230 14-Jul-1965 1965 .
Rosaceae Spiraea alba DuRoi . Howard Hayden Prairie, 1.5 mi. E, 5 mi. N. of Saratoga, IA . moist draw. meadow sweet Christiansen, Paul 546 6-Sep-1965 1965 .
Rosaceae Spiraea alba DuRoi . Howard Hayden Prairie T100N_R13W_Sec.33 Lowland prairie, shrub 1m tall. NE1/4_sec.33 Christiansen, Paul 868 28-Jul-1978 1978 .
Rosaceae Spiraea alba DuRoi . Winnebago Pilot Knob State Park . On Sphagnum mat on bog. meadow sweet Christiansen, Paul A. 627 10-Aug-1967 1967 .
Rosaceae Spiraea thunbergii Sieb. . Linn Cornell campus, Mt. Vernon, IA . cultivated Naik, Dhansukh 1143 13-May-1967 1967 .
Rosaceae indet. . Linn Camp Hitaga 42 deg 15' N 91 deg 39' W Grows in moist woods. Common. Pinkish-white. Leaves smooth. Augden, N.H. 6 7-May-1997 1997 .
Rosaceae indet. . Linn Cornell College Campus. Located in front of Law Hall. N41 deg 55.468' W 91 deg 25.448' Leaves are somewhat Maple shaped, orbicular and doubly serrate. Inflorescence is an umbel, flowers small and of greenish red color. Armed with thin 2 inch long thorns. alt. 1318 +/- 492' Price, L.L. 67 18-May-1997 1997 .
Rosaceae indet. . Linn Dvork Prairie N 41 deg 53.340' W 91deg 26.618' Woody. Found at edge of cornfield near prairie land. Calyx of five sepals. Corolla of five petals. The petals are yellowish-white in color. There are many stamens present. Leaves are lanceolate and serrate. The leaves are green. The branches are reddish-brown in color and are relatively smooth. There appears to be no hair present on leaves or branches. alt. 789 +/- 181' Meier, Michelle T. 31 13-May-1997 1997 .
Rosaceae indet. . Linn Dvork Prairie N 41deg 53.352' W 91deg 26.620' Found along edge of property. Several trees in a group. Main branches have thorns. Sweet smelling. White flowers with 5 petals, dark pink anthers, and pink filaments. Usually 2-3 flowers at each point. alt. +/- 723 ft. Eanes, Kelly 33 13-May-1997 1997 .
Rosaceae indet. . Linn Hitaga Restored Sand Prairie . Sandy soil at edge of restored sand prairie and woods. Tree appx. 7 ft. tall. White flowers. Wallace, Joel 12 7-May-1997 1997 .
Rosaceae indet. . Linn Hitago Sand Ridge Prairie Reserve [NE intersection of Hitago Road & Wapsi Ridge Road] 42 deg 15' N 91 deg 39' W Found in wooded area in the afternoon. Woody. Flowers were open. Leaves are green and serrate. Flowers are perfect. There is a calyx of 5 sepals. Corolla consists of 5 whitish-yellow petals. There are numerous stamens. The anthers are yellow. The branch is grayish-brown in color. The wood is somewhat smooth. Meier, Michelle T. 10 7-May-1997 1997 .
Rosaceae indet. . Linn Hitago Sand Ridge Prairie Reserve. NE intersection of Hitaga Rd. & Wapsi Ridge Drive 42 deg 15' N 91 deg 31' W Found along path in woods area. Very thing branches with small serrated green alternating leaves. Branches has small thorn-lke projections. White 5-petaled flowers arranged in clusters over the branch. Sweet smell. Eanes, Kelly 11 7-May-1997 1997 .
Rosaceae indet. . Linn Hitago Sand Ridge Prairie Reserve 42 deg 15' N 91 deg 31' W Found in woody, shaded area. Moist, rich soil covered by fallen leaves. Small tree with white flowers and yellow anthers. Faint scent. 5 petals alternate leaves. dicot. Thompson, L. S. 6 7-May-1997 1997 .
Rosaceae indet. . Linn Hitago Sand Ridge Prairie Reserve 42 deg 15' N 91 deg 39' W Flowering tree, located in woodland area. Small narrow palmate leaves, serrate. Small white flowers, 1-2 cm in diameter, with a dark pink center. Up to 25 yellow tipped anthers in center. Three flowers per bud. Moss growing on lower part of branch. Alternate branching. 10-12 feet. Price, L. L. 6 7-May-1997 1997 .
Rosaceae indet. . Linn Hitago Sand Ridge Prairie Reserve 42 deg 15' N 91 deg 39' W Open flowers. Found in the afternoon. Five white petals. Yellow anthers. Glossy leaves. Alternate leaves. Floral/rose smell. Madden, E.A. 9 7-May-1997 1997 .

These Rosaceae specimens from Michigan are present in the herbarium at Cornell College [MOVC].

Family Scientific Name Subspecific Category
County Locality Tshp•Range•Sec
Collector Collection
Rosaceae Potentilla anserina L. . Oceana Near Stony Lake, N. of Muskegon . Stabilized sand, near beach on creek bank. Silver-weed Christiansen, Paul 693 4-Aug-1966 1966 .
Rosaceae Rosa lucida T&G . Kent Lowell, MI . oak lawn. collection date: August, 1903 . . . 1903 .

These Rosaceae specimens from Minnesota are present in the herbarium at Cornell College [MOVC].

Family Scientific Name Subspecific Category
County Locality Tshp•Range•Sec
Collector Collection
Rosaceae Agrimonia parviflora Ait. . Lake Basswood Lodge Area . damp sand Hellwig, Bob 59 4-Aug-1966 1966 .
Rosaceae Potentilla palustris (L.) Scop. . Lake ACM Wilderness Field Station . East side of marsh, on shoreline Latham, Hazel 1148 12-Jul-1983 1983 see Comarum palustre L. []
Rosaceae Pyrus decora (Sarg.) Hyland . Lake Back Bay . Hillside Hellwig, Bob 78b 6-Aug-1966 1966 .
Rosaceae Pyrus decora (Sarg.) Hyland . Lake Basswood Lake ACM Station . Hillside Hellwig, Bob 77c 16-Aug-1966 1966 .
Rosaceae Rosa acicularis Lindl. . Lake Basswood Lake ACM Station . along path in woods Hellwig, Bob 91b 16-Aug-1966 1966 .
Rosaceae Rosa acidularis Lindl. . Lake ACM Wilderness Field Station . Path to north canoe launch. open area, path side, sandy soil Latham, Hazel 1145 30-Jun-1983 1983 .
Rosaceae Sorbus americana Marsh. . Lake Basswood Lake ACM Station . road side Hellwig, Bob 88c 17-Aug-1966 1966 see Aucuparia americana (Marshall) Nieuwl. []
Rosaceae Spiraea alba DuRoi . Lake Back Bay . road side Hellwig, Bob 12e 27-Jul-1966 1966 .

These Rosaceae specimens from New York are present in the herbarium at Cornell College [MOVC].

Family Scientific Name Subspecific Category
County Locality Tshp•Range•Sec
Collector Collection
Rosaceae Pyrus arbutifolia (L.) L. f. . Porter Pine, IN . Choke-berry. sand dunes. . . 30-May-1908 1908 See Adenorachis arbutifolia (L.) Nieuwl. []
Rosaceae Rosa blanda Aiton . Porter Pine, IN . Thornless wild rose. Sand dunes. Common. Fragrant. Mills, H.R. 301 30-May-1908 1908 .
Rosaceae Rosa lucida T&G . Ulster Katrine, NY. Location is probably Lake Katrine, NY. . swamp, open Wild rose. . . 29-Jul-1902 1902 Location is probably Lake Katrine, NY.
Rosaceae Spiraea salicifolia L. . Ulster Flatbush, Ulster Co., New York . Open fence Common meadow sweet . . 24-Jul-1902 1902 .
Rosaceae Spiraea tomentosa L. . Ulster Flatbush, Ulster Co., New York . Open fence Steeple bush, Hardhack . . 27-Jul-1902 1902 .

A total of 123 Rosaceae specimens from the Cornell College herbarium are presented above.

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